pastover's Replies

and "Can a person who impotently depends on a woman for his entertainment be taken seriously?" she puts a chick in it and makes it gay you claim to hate it, publicly whine about it yet time and again you still keep going back to her for more hmmmm 🤔 anybody figure out why the big truck crashed into the ditch? if it's unexplained then so be it thanks much friend a modern paul revere you are going from fighting revolutions then european nazism then communism now to barren internet forums sounding alarms about words used since at least 1980s the Collective's past ancestors look down in pride sure our current Collective impotence might up and our iq points..down but you sir, are one of our finest i feel so honored to breathe and walk among you the "lesbian scenes"... you kidding? your grandchildren see basically more than this on tiktok with a single misclick. man if that was all that porn ever provided, it would be a sad state for public health across the planet <i>thats for sure</i> oh and lesbians aren't in movies to "shock" the audience 🤣. by your own admission though lesbians are no longer shocking to <i>you</i>, so looks like normalization is indeed happening. if youre against lesbianism, you probably dont want to publicly admit to normalization though... never admit defeat now if youre a straight woman, only then can i understand the lesbian hangup...because i remember i was having a great time watching Lovecraft Country when all of a sudden some almost hardcore gay men sex started happening and i was like what in actual fuck i dont want to see that. but then -i'm sure much like your sex life- it was over pretty quick. i took it like a man and didnt bitch about it. i also remember gay sex in They/Them (2022) too but it wasnt as unexpected, given the premise. it's not the end of the world but first off if you want redemption arcs or any arcs why the fuck are you watching horror? you'll have an easier time finding that in other genres. you can find catch them sometimes yes, but bitching about them missing, here...thats a total eyeroller. sounds like you dont even know what you want if there's too much of anything, it's arcs. everywhere. especially in horror. just have a cannibal family murdering another family horror thriller and be done with it. add some lesbian spice and i'm all in. i dont need or want all the other crap this was actually quite a good movie particularly being a tubi original. great directing. also was some good edge-of-your-seat very necessary lesbianism that really added to the plot-essentially by definition. it's a must watch for horror enthusiasts.. engaging from start to finish. and i dont think i saw a single ugly girl the entire movie. every new one kept getting hotter than the last, really adding to the plot. it brought us back to the 1980s error of horror but with less nudity and more hot lesbianism i for one welcome our new hot lesbian overlords. but if you dont want to find lesbianism around every new corner.. go back and watch all the zillions of good older, lesbian-free movies. there's no issue here if you want to continue to claim you it actually played out as you predicted "the last two standing" go right ahead i guess. it's like wanting to claim the billion dollar powerball lottery prize by getting 2 of the 10 numbers. whatever, have at it and again the 'good' analysis is nonsensical. yes it's already shown -etremely explicitly- by that point not to be an innocent child (and even showing the vampire to outright admitting to putting on the innocent act at one point). therefore whichever behavior it's meant to be exhibiting there, it's <i>not</i> to seem like an innocent child. now as a viewer if you have amnesia you might think that, but because <i>you</i> forgot by the end, does not mean the general audience is meant to. the promise gesture is merely the emotive vehicle through which <i>joey</i> can remember her promise and understand the vampire's intent. they both know it has nothing to do with <i>actual</i> innocence (we can assume joey does not have amnesia). the supposed conveyance of 'childlike innocence' -if there would be any- would be directed specifically at <i>joey</i>, presumably to help emotionally compel <i>her</i> as the vampire desperately needs immediate help. such would <i>not</i> be directed at the audience. the audience knows better. thats your fundamental mistake. so whatever 'mercy' the vampire shows it is for joey and joey <b>alone</b> (not for humanity for example), and it's <b><i>transactional</i></b> mercy, bypassing any requisite consideration of ethics; good/bad doesn't even enter the equation.. much less get presented but if thats what <i>you</i> saw, then thats what you saw. what can i say it's called being curt ok so i think i'm understanding what you're trying to get at here now that you've changed things. fearless and badass are separate, but perhaps related, things, fine. still wrong: 1. dry humor essentially defines this movie; it's filled with it.. possibly by every character at some point. 2. numerous time throughout, joey does or says something 'fearless' followed by active progression to either positive or mixed results, but with good effort by her. by this point we are already familiar what 'trying to look fearless' looks like and how that proceeds 3. this scene at issue is only time she ever appears to do so only to have immediate (and effortless by the antagonist) negative result 4. by trope trend, the last act in horror movies is a time when, after being beaten down repeatedly by the antagonist, the protagonist suddenly rises to the occasion, getting the upper hand or even outright defeating the antagonist - and often after verbalizing something 'badass' 5. after previously running scared for her life from him, literally trembling in fear while facing him down, and easily losing each of numerous physical conflicts with him, this was that obvious 'badass moment'. here she's meant to do that classic turnaround it doesn't materialize of course. instead we enact point 3 above - getting situational subversion (immediately, not 2 seconds after the line in the next cut, part of point 1 above) - and do so in conflict with our expectation of points 2 and 5 above, and in direct contravention with point 4 above. altogether, these provide corroborative evidence for point 1 above, as humorous interpretation (like say monty python black knight 'it's just a flesh wound'). attentiveness, familiarity with horror tropes, and understanding comedic subtlety are required. so yes, it still went over your head star wars has always been a terrible children's story. it's that the inclusion of abnormal human characters as heroes is just making that reality more obvious to the average simpleton bad analysis the "let's play" line was part of the comedic deconstruction: stating the badass tagline then proceeding to immediately get beaten up. ..flew right over your head and so did you also sense that frank would willingly be turned into a vampire by the organizer to power play the syndicate, only to then backstab him then try to kill joey and ballet vampire by turning joey into vampire to mind control her so he could also force her to kill her own son? yeah sure dude. pat yourself on the back for your coinflip "senses", but dont quit your day job, peter parker abigail did not appear "good". she held up her part of the bargain after killing frank together, and she recognized a similar joey/son relationship as that of herself/father (which she told willfully told the truth about upon first meeting joey, so if anything that so called "good" was already present since the beginning). anyway how is it possible for a massacrer to feel that empathy (for her food) without a contradiction? maybe the same way people eat slaughtered farm animals without a second thought, but dont like seeing fake animals harmed in movies....and on top of that probably think of themselves as "good" people. there's plenty more examples of internal contradictions of real people in the real world than this fake vampire. regardless, there's no indication that she's supposed to be "good" by the end of the movie. she had specific reason to treat joey differently by the end - nothing more incidentally from dusk till dawn was probably just as comedic but maybe with less explicit comedy, and arguably ended similarly with the sudden matter of fact calmness - in keeping with the overall irreverent tone it started out as a reciprocating equal reaction. but now it's evolved to a place where the woke ciswhite crybabies are more annoying than the progressive woke crybabies nobody else cares that you dont see yourself represented any more in your favorite childhood franchises do you really want to continue embarrassing your race, your gender, and yourself, crying for the next 30 years? move on the 3rd looks like it had the highest budget yet was the worst one relevant: "NO CGI" is really just INVISIBLE CGI what you want to be true, and what is observed to be true, are two entirely different things ..and i'd rather not have my action movies end after the 1st action scene because the hero dies under realistic circumstances, thanks. leave the tropes to the professionals they may or may not have best food production planets secured elsewhere. that's never discussed the admiral noble is way out in that veldt system because they're specifically looking for rebels who have been <i>attacking their supply ports</i>, and they're low on food supply because searching is taking too long. they want to use the veldt grain <i>for the time being, that they are in the veldt's system searching for the rebels</i>. the entire situation is explicitly detailed in the dialog. your concerns are addressed by what we can infer here i find youtubers particularly often are lazy and wrong so often, especially when their review is negative. they are just in haste to criticize anything that they often get basic things wrong or reason poorly. they put in minimal effort, but they do loop footage in the background of their script to give the illusion of depth to their bad analysis. a lot of those guys just arent that bright either which doesnt help. i guess i dont have an opinion about grains stopping lasers. sandbags stop bullets in real life. no word yet whether sandbags stop imperial lasers in real life. if the veldt grain (millled first?) is dense or otherwise counters the properties of the lasers why not. various surfaces obviously stop them throughout the movies. grain does exist as a physical matter with whatever certain properties. whatever.. can't get worked myself up enough on that one 🤷‍♂️. it's silly to discount grain shields though.. lots of crazy material shit exists already in our real world even resources for maintaining food production takes away from resources for maintaining the imperial army. you know how real world mob and cartels just go around strongarming local businesses to giving them a cut or paying the consequences? so why don't they just run their own businesses? obviously the former must be more efficient. their specialty is criminal underworlding not businessing. likewise imperial army's specialtiy is warring not farming. if we're going to theorycraft about automation, why ask a stupid question about automating food? better question would be: why don't they just automate imperializing (taking over planets, enslaving people, killing armies etc)? that question is 1,000 times better all main characters in action movies are partially defined by plot armor. that criticism is cringe if they had flashbacks, maybe then audiences would have actually liked them enough that it wouldn't haven taken 16 years to get another bad prequel you missed the part where veldt farmers purposefully live simple lives (~Amish/indigenous) Imperial army doesn't need to produce when they can just travel around taking pretty clear yeah it was bad or just for younger kids. it tried to recreate the sonic/human dynamic of the movies but the guy and his story were just lame in comparison but you dont need to shoehorn in jews, just so you can talk politics like all the other boomer useless clowns on here are constantly begging to do i actually think it's great that you can un-embarass yourself by editing your own posts without warning any time later. but with all that power in your hands though you actually managed to re-embarass yourself with a single random nonsensical (preserved for posterity) <blockquote>Triggered.</blockquote> extremely funny. well at least this time you didn't claim that you watching 20 minutes of Part 2 counted as a view, didn't claim that the only movies available on Netflix were the ones you could see on the home page, didn't claim that Netflix didn't have to pay Snyder if he didn't reach $1 million revenue (magically, somehow), didn't falsely that each movie would cost $300 million each because you did math wrong, and didn't claim that "only colored people and n*rs" gave it positive reviews online so that's a plus 👍 more whine porn posts 🎉