pastover's Replies

you should see his commercials!😱 no that's not how it works. the methodology is explained on the data page <blockquote>"We define views for a title as the total hours viewed divided by the total runtime"</blockquote> now if you left it on in the background then fell asleep, then that would be a view. so....maybe it's possible to come up with a convoluted rationalization that his movies are so boring "everyone is falling asleep while watching" or something sufficiently copeworthy. πŸ‘ it varies but at any given time i have seen i think up to like 30,000 titles or something on Netflix. people do not need to force themselves to watch one specific thing on there. Part One had a big push on social media and the Home page in the US and was quite visible. but Part Two wasn't. you had to dig deep into the new releases list to find it, until it already reached the top movie on the Top 10 list where it was more visible. if these views are all from supportive Snyder acolytes then that would be perfect reason for Netflix to continue with the franchise and anything he makes, since these numbers would represent the "guaranteed minimum" for anything he put out. and.. these things are cheap.. the extended cuts are still yet to be released, giving them a total 4 movies already paid for at $166 million. makes business sense to keep 'em coming and it's impossible to know demographics of the reviewers so that doesnt even make sense i dont argue with box office nerds. the IQ threshold barrier to entry is too low. none of you understand business otherwise, now that the goal post has been moved from "career" to "career in 'BIG' movies (whatever that is - apparently not even a $170 million theatrical run)": for any of those other supposed points to mean anything, you'd have to prove she had been somehow destined to continue to "make BIG movies" (however stupid that is even to type), and that her apparently inevitable future of making "BIG movies" was specifically derailed by discontinuation of this single franchise - which she'd only ever been contracted to do 2 movies of in the first place - and is now "probably" gone. since 1) it can't be proven or disproven 2) we're already into "probably's" 3) it would significantly likely force me to argue what a "BIG" movies is with a boxoffice business illiterate, and 4) I couldn't care less either way, as she has a continued career even one significantly better than many in that business already, whether you or anyone else likes it or not - and no matter how you force to cope using arbitrary definitions, bad reasoning, and misused, misunderstood data, nah, i'll just let this be. even my own time wasting tendencies have limits maybe i'll go try to watch Keep Breathing again, out of a smug sense of contentment with - and celebration of - her continued successful career. or... i could just keep it idly running on Netflix to give it another view. dunno. the sky's the limit πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ nope you're very confused. in a few months, Part 1 now has 78.4 million views, 5.5 million of which were added the week when Part 2 was released in 4-5 days Part 2 now has 21.4 million views where a view can be 1 person or a large household what no one is actually watching is any movie made by any of the legions of envious crybabies delusionally dunking on this franchise now, go ahead and disregard reality: get back to that endless cycle of cope and circle jerk let me guess. she's also "not hot" and a 5/10 on a good day? keep dreaming dude great movie. i saw it a long time ago. people are just discovering it now that it's on netflix and being force fed to them by the algorithm like a farmer feeding his slop to the mindless pigs at the trough. then the mindless pigs are typing in forums with slop complaints. the circle of life continues she just dropped another movie Abigail, just finished filming another The Collaboration, soon to be filming another The One, and is in beginning stages to produce her own in the future cope more, delusional cancel communist maybe time to pray to your sky god to smite her, instead, in your After Life (TM)? notice: her face is quintessentially English, reminiscent of Gemma Arterton who has been naked many times. no. interestingly the genetics of this aren't as intuitive as people assume. if you look on google you can find times where black/white multiracial twins have actually come out as an odd pair: one black, one white there is no "the message" though. "The Message" is a fringe conspiracy theory by a small but dedicated group of modern-era vault dwellers who came up with it as a means to cope with the reality that their opinions about how movies should be made don't actually matter to anyone who matters. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ