MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Does Wesley Snipes get no credit for Bla...

Does Wesley Snipes get no credit for Blade (1998) ???

Why all the fuss over this movie, when in the 90s we had TWO black superhero movies just off the top of my head, Spawn and Blade. So why did everyone freak out as if Black Panther was the first black superhero, when he clearly wasn't.

Furthermore, when Blade came out, it was considered a good movie, but no one freaked out over a black man in the lead role, because we had a lot of black actors in lead roles in the 90s, so it wasn't out of the ordinary to see a black man lead a superhero movie.

Why, then, in 2018 did everyone go insane over THIS movie? Is it because we have gone backward so much from the 90s, and by 2018, a black man leading a superhero movie had become some kind of impossible idea in the minds of moviegoers.

I can only say, I think racial diversity in films must have really went DOWNHILL from 1999 to 2018, for anyone to make such a big deal of a black man headlining a film. I still don't get the fuss over this, when Blade and Spawn had already come out. Also it's kind of an insult to all the great black actors and performances which came before.


Two reasons: one, Spawn and the Blade movies were rated R, so people couldn't take their kids to see them, and they only appealed to niche groups of fans. Two, the public has an extremely short memory (as well as often having a lower than average IQ). Disney took full advantage of that, and nobody younger than 35 questioned it.


this was also done with "latino":

you know that before Blue Beetle was the first latino superhero movie of all time, there was El Chicano (2018) that was the first latino superhero movie of all time?

you know this because the press at the time wrote the same "first" stories for El Chicano when it was released that they wrote later for Blue Beetle as it was released. doing a quick search i see that you can find the articles even sometimes by the same website (i found an example from Collider by two different authors making the same "first" claim for each -excluding the many times they were careful to qualify it as "first DC" or first "major" studio)

i'm not entirely sure but fairly sure i even remember at the time george lopez giving interviews for el chicano (because he was in that movie too and i watched the movie at the time) saying "first latino superhero", only to turn around years later and say the same thing about blue beetle

it's a current meaningless trend to claim first this first that on all this..not to be taken seriously..


