MovieChat Forums > Atlas (2024) Discussion > Problems with the movie

Problems with the movie

1. The year is apparently 2043. There will not be any form of the advanced technology (Fusion batteries, Ion Bombs, Powered Armor Suits, Faster-than-Light Stardrives) in this film in our real world in the year 2043. We probably won't even have Fusion Power Plants in 2043. Los Angeles will not have a thousand new skyscrapers by 2043, in fact it will probably look almost exactly like 2024. Feel free to bump this post in 19 years to prove me wrong, because those 19 years will be here before you know it.

2. We cannot get to the Andromeda Galaxy, and we most certainly will not by 2043. Did script writers even check out the distance between our solar system and the closest star, nevermind a galaxy that is 2.5 million light years away? If this film took place in the year 3043, that makes it much more plausible with centuries of human and AI knowledge increased.

3. When Atlas is on the ship heading to Andromeda, you can see stars flying by at super speed. That's cool and all, except the vast majority of the trip would not have any stars whizzing by, there are no stars between the Milky Way and Andromeda. It is called dark space.

4. No one seems to actually care that they are traveling to another galaxy, which is absurd. There is no mention of exploration or previous trips to Andromeda and no one even asks how are we supposed to get there?

5. The majority of the movie is Jennifer Lopez in her powered armor complaining, crying out in distress, swearing and cursing, and constantly in turmoil. It got very tiring within the first few minutes, except this is the whole film.

6. Great special effects and music, but poorly written story.

7. At one point the film felt like Aliens, where they're all on the USS Sulaco getting their briefing. But then in this film everyone dies and no characters are developed despite the camera focusing on a few of them during the briefing making you think these will be the main cast, but they're not.

8. When I actually enjoyed Rebel Moon 1 & 2 more than this, that says a lot. Although it was cool to see J-Lo in science fiction, WHY would you have her complaining during the entire film?

9. We can't detect the soul in the human body because we ARE our soul. The soul uses the brain to control the body, that much is obvious. AI does not have a soul, it has a program. It has lines of code to mimic human consciousness and sentience, and it does not have either. One thing is for sure, we will have AI Rights Activism and AI Extreme Fundamentalism by 2043.

10. We can travel to Andromeda Galaxy in 2043, but the coffee machine is still the 20th century version and still fracked up? Umm no.

11. No one talks about human colonies and worlds throughout the Milky Way, okay so we'll just skip the exploration of the Milky Way and just do Andromeda Galaxy, because it's so much further away. Makes sense. Who wrote this?

12. "Now we do what he won't expect!" /slaps him in the face. Good grief.

5/10. Fun & dumb unrealistic popcorn film, but certain elements get old very fast with too many implausible situations & scenarios.


i laughed so hard at your #9
you just inadvertently lost so much credibility there.. 😐

1, 2. the movie is not a documentary sent back to us from the future. try not to be so confused. also most is at 2071 not 2043
3. only you claim those are moving stars. research: optical illusion caused by relativistic aberration phenomenon, then solve this 'atlas' starlight problem mathematically, then come back and present your findings. the rest of us will check it for errors. if you pass, we'll continue to the next stage
4, 11. if you say so.. πŸ˜‘
5, 6, 7, 8, 12. opinions, at least.. easy way to ensure you can't be proven wrong, i guess πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
9. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ believe whatever you like
10. next you'll admit to be confused by fundamental similarities between modern footwear and footwear built at least 10,000 years ago

well if you could only come up with 12 very short so called problems... it's kind of disappointing. i'd at least expect a couple dozen pages of this stuff πŸ€“ maybe sci fi is not your specialty


We’re not going to get to Andromeda in 2071 either and you’d be foolish to think so. We won’t even get to Alpha Centauri or Proxima Centauri in 2071, our closest stars.

There are many more problems, but I don’t have time to write more.

Definitely check out SpaceEngine on Steam, it gives you an idea as to how vast the local star group is, let alone the Milky Way, and the trip to Andromeda.

I see no reason to laugh at #9, you cannot prove or disprove either way. One thing is for sure, you are not a drone, you are sentient and you have consciousness. AI is not.


distances aren't the point. in the movie you see ships disappearing into and appearing from nothing. the purported technology doesn't at all appear to be related to direct linear spatial travel..distance is irrelevant.

incidentally about star systems: i personally currently believe humanity will become extinct before ever successfully discovering a way to leave the solar system or AI -with max time to extinction a few billions years: death by dying sun. but only guess..not certain belief

#9 is a religious belief masquerading as a scientific one. what makes it funny is it's stated seemingly as fact. that you now acknowledge it's neither provable nor unprovable is good, but yet again you are religiously presumptuous about both AI and consciousness. neither of those have ever yet been remotely even partially discovered -much less understood- by mankind. there's no reason to be "sure" about either, without wanting to have blind religious faith in such certainty. how about instead: come back in 100 million years, and if there is any truly meaningful advancement in discoveries for either, then the future humans can possibly start to have that debate -assuming theyre still around

if observable atomic matter is the only thing that a sentient human consists of throughout its lifetime, one can reason that hypothetically fully atomically reconstructing a AI artificially at some stage of human/life development would likewise create the same observable consciousness from "nothing", as if no different from a human woman birthing an infant child that then grew into observable consciousness "from nothing". as impossible as that process could even seem today..ok..check back in 100million years.

if you want to hypothesize something "special" about "natural" consciousness -such as a yet observable consciousness/soul fundamental property of the universe- well come back in 100million years when its 'found'. till then: certainty of unknown = religion

Atlas: 8/10 JLO booty πŸ‘
