pastover's Replies

yep crap. tapped out at about 35 minutes... you really have to like the gosling/blunt dynamic to enjoy this movie. i think that's where it goes wrong. it didn't work at all for me .. i just couldn't take it any more (by that time, the bullhorn relationship recap scene was so <b>extremely</b> stupid) i like emily blunt a lot even though about half the movies i've seen her in i haven't liked. even jungle cruise i ended up not liking but i was at least able to finish the movie because of the rock and their dynamic. gosling did great in barbie. but this dynamic was just <i>painful</i>. and there just wasnt enough likeability/charisma overall from those two i went in blind without watching the trailer so i watched it afterward. turns out i missed the who premise of the movie! so i went back and skipped around. nope doesn't get better.. just adds a little more interesting action sidestory to the really shitty barely charasmatic basically chemistryless relationship other actors could have saved this one for me. pluck jim carrey and zooey deschanel out of Yes Man and put them in this movie and i might have enjoyed it.. one example i did really like the behind-the-movie-scenes filming type of scenes at least, for the few minutes they were there. and emily blunt's curvy jeans ass make an appearance for a few seconds i think. beyond that.. total disappointing terrible experience 1980s michigan? well...makes sense. impotency went up. in all fairness white people have been turning transgender nonbinary feminist lesbian and everything else since then. plus no reason to procreate when they can just jerk off to all the snowbunnies on onlyfans i mean it is what it is go woke, not enough broke. maybe <i>next</i> decade did she really threaten to suck me off? 🥴 and i'll nominate too the other Black Widow song, iggy ora they're all good but i'd probably rather be immersed in the stylistic sci-fi a/v beauty of Blood Machines (2019) at length than any of those actually personal preference my ignore list fills up pretty fast on here! nope i cant necessarily agree starting from millions, down to about 200,000 years of modern human history till today evolving and yet we still don't have "everyone mixed race" in the way you mean here. so no, don't get your hopes up. maybe you are thinking millions of years into the future, things turn around? besides that, look far in the future presumably there is realistic AI generated actors or something. real people won't be necessary at all. if anything -if that turns out to be the case- they'll have greater visually historical accuracy than we achieve now, not less; it would all be accurately synthasizable from nothing, or something in this case also, it's different from the shakespeare etc because i'm pretty sure this is british/american production of bridgerton... not africans scrambling to find british actors. it's a conscious choice for fiction. but you are probably right actually: either way these are the kind of people who probably still would cry 'appropriation' if africans played shakespeare, because they are crying equivalent of that now with bridgerton.. (probably while denying they themselves appropriate elsewhere by the way). lots of people do that though. for example in USA i hear sometimes some black americans crying whenever nonblacks try rap or complain when white people dress and dance as traditional african on tiktok. they also 'fear' things "stolen from them" too. yes, it goes all ways. plainly, in the case of entertainment, there's just political opportunism on all sides....though this is at least fictional. not a big deal. it's not a repeat of the ridiculous cleopatra case. it's just that everything now gets muddied up in the minds of the impotent riffraff the crying wont matter though.. nothing can be done about it next generation will now grow up misbelieving british royals were black just like previous generations grew up misbelieving christian jesus was white and the circle of life advances another revolution tubi originals seem to be getting better having them take a break from running from the murderer to have quick lesbian makeout scene was a nice touch. thought i was in a 80s slasher camp there for a minute i think They/Them did it better overall but not too bad didnt care either way before but now i'm hoping so, nostradamus 👍 looks intersting. i will having just watched it, you're wrong on all counts the only reason the movie itself sucks because it's about <i>tennis</i> also Zendaya is credited as a producer. so want to cry about casting? you'll have to target movies she's isn't producing. but that discussion is definitely too far over your head, so try not to think deeply about that one true. and since nothing counts until a zoomer does it, i'll always be so grateful the zoomer generation was born so that all the rest of the universe could exist you're kidding right. only thing bad about this movie is natasha henstidge doesn't come back. loved this series.. they're in desparate need of remake.. my first pick for eve is abbey lee. she checks every talent box exactly what hollywood needs to make more of that's a stretch. you have to <i>want</i> to see that allegory. in addition there's not even mention or allusion to race or patriarchy in the entire show stick to finding miracle images of christian jesus in cheetos or racism in resident evil 5 she's a side character. the sexual tension is between the other girls who is this "we"? you have a group of hollywood producers in your pocket? i suggest you stop whining, and instead take those producers, and get off your lazy ass and start creating your counterprogramming. but that would require competence nothing has solidified in my mind the downfall of white people by having to witness the constant impotent whining on the internet now we're at the "just shut them down forcibly" stage of cope it's so sad. white people used to do great things (when they weren't busy destroying the world killing each other in world wars). nowadays it's hard to find even a competent one in the entertainment space only for that haircut. good movie reminds me Cuck -also on tubi- but less polished production value well's self aware in the dialog.. possibly a deliberate troll. but the screenplay is just uninteresting. can't finish it. if it was more watchable i'd finish it because i like B and below movies, as long is the screenplay tells an interesting story check out Cuck for a much more watchable -and accurate- portrayal of the stereotypical impotent anti-woke white neckbeard consumer crying on the internet 24/7 about other people instead of creating their own culture/entertainment. it's legitimately like peering into the private life of many of this forum's users.. not even trolling. this one is a pass. good catch though well it's interesting you put it that way. it must be a preference thing because i can easily watch movies with characters i guess i shouldnt be able to 'relate to', and i'm not even sure i know what that means but i have seen others say it. if characters and story are interesting, i'm game. no matter the particulars of the characters. and i also like bad guys winning as they sometimes do in horror... makes it unique i dont know about box office but these movies and shows are not doing poorly on streaming though. could be people are just staying home more i dont really get the complaints about this stuff though. i like the older movies, the newer movies. each has good and shit among it. we just have more variety now..more visible growth in movies being made for niche audiences. so not everything now is needing to be safe, tried and true formulaic things meant for 'general audiences'. general stuff is still there, you just have to wade around to find it. we also get more subtitled foreign stuff too. whereas stuff like wokesploitation is centered mainly in the US and trickling influence maybe on western europe... if you dont want that, you dont have to put up with it in latin american, eastern european, east asian, indian movies etc etc. i've also found lot of good new stuff from there too.. well except maybe bollywood... too many misses and not enough hits for me.. and i really have grown a hatred for all the stupid random dancing 😁. reading subtitles can easily get to be a chore though.... but if people want to stay western/American and current day..theyre just gonna have to deal with the trends and take it as it is <blockquote>But if they make it, I'll watch it.</blockquote> yeah no shit. there's almost no public criticism of rebel moon that isnt nearly purely performative and most of the rest of the criticism is clearly from either snyder envy or from threatened star war fans (we're talking about "wheel cranks" now? bottom of the barrel here) one of my favorites though is "i wanted to like it but...".. after that you know you're about to hear something really retarded 😆