MovieChat Forums > Luffy > Replies

Luffy's Replies

Rimshot. If you are having gag reflexes while being wary of 'overt feminism' maybe it's time to admit your sexuality. Pulp Fiction Phenomenon Michael Well thanks I suppose. See you. I don't think all Superhero movies are crap. I think most of them are. It's not a tradition of mine, I just react to them that way if I watch them. I also don't like freaking dramas. I just love extremely well made movies, because I like when they are seamless. The more seamless they are and the more emotional they make me, the more I can sense that a lot of talent has gone into it. I think that Hollywood's genre movies are very much unlike anything else commercial. So I will spare you both the tired examples such as comparing Superhero movies to burgers and Schindler's List, Silence of the Lambs etc to gourmet food. The beauty of cinema is that any movie for sale to the common public can be good or bad art. For the same price (theoretically). It is a child's play to compare Schindler's List's box office to that of Jurassic Park. What one ought to do is to compare Terminator 2 to... freaking Superhero movies! Because the big budget movies are now Superhero movies, and they have evolved from other genres, it makes sense to compare them to past classics. By the way, I do think that Terminator 2 is slightly better than Silence of the Lambs. And a little less good than Jaws. And much better than the 2nd and 3rd Avengers movies. Also much better than Man of Steel. I have no agenda. I am just expressing my way of viewing them and cataloguing them in my mind. I don't dismiss entire genres whole cloth. Hi, sorry for the late reply. I too would say the same, of course. I think that film producers hate writers. Bad ones too, but especially the good and the best ones. We are going through another cycle where the studios try to gain more control of the creative process in cinema, with predictable results critically and commercially. I am not going to write a good Die Hard scenario to you for free or even for minimum wage. Those guys who said that cliche answer to you? I am at least as sound of mind as them. Like I said, with more and more film executives popping up per movie/series, the Die Hard sequels just had to, had to be mediocre. They were collateral damage. I know you haven't told me how much you enjoyed these DH sequels. Still you rewatched them. You seem to enjoy them. That's okay. Just like it happened with Westerns and the Peplum movies in the late 50s, the powers that be are at the end of their very short tether. The question is, will they draft in a new Coppola, a new James Cameron? Will they, on the other hand, put a Ron Howard or J.J. Abrams in charge? Will they make the movies more carelessly, with more control, with as little creativity as possible? Those questions were rhetorical. I would not ask more of you, since I refused to answer your question. It used to be that people were born in a religion, and when they died, their remains were disposed of in the way the culture demanded. But Matthew of the Bible fame changed all that. He was the first guy in history to explicitly ask followers to proselythise. Ancient Greeks, the Norsemen, the Romans, all were converted less because of the originality of Christianity's message, and more because of the revolutionary novelty of the act of conversion. That is why I place Matthew above Mohammed and Jesus himself as the most influential guy in human history. The closest person to Matthew is probably Hitler. Lol! There is no PepperX type product in Star Trek. Hope mankind reaches that level of civilisation. Maybe mentioning how the brain works was unadvisable, too nerdy for that time. ice cream, sunglasses, teslas, lobster, razors and other appliances for women. Water. THAT's your gotcha question? Lol! You sound alright, and, though this is a forum and arguing is more than encouraged, I don't get any sort of validation from doing so in this context. I'm not a regular poster here anyway. Howdy. Happy Gilmore Punch Drunk Love Just Go With It Akira. Gave it 1 star on IMDB. Figures. Just add this to your list of questions I don't want to answer. Keep your fantasies to yourself. Yawn! I'll be back next during the weekend to see if some interesting questions have been posted.