MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does Christianity basically boil down to...

Does Christianity basically boil down to brainwashing and indoctrination?

I think so. Like when they put on various meetings such as "Call to Worship", "Praise Night" or "Revival Night" or "Salvation for blah blah blah" especially geared towards kids. They think they are trying to do good but they are really holding indoctrination sessions. To someone from the inside, they never think of it that way. Often times, these children are often encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends to these "Worship" nights so they can be "saved".

And when you call them out on this and to even suggest to them that it is indeed an indoctrination, you get labeled as "ignorant" and a "bigot".

Am I right?

--Michael D. Clarke


It used to be that people were born in a religion, and when they died, their remains were disposed of in the way the culture demanded. But Matthew of the Bible fame changed all that. He was the first guy in history to explicitly ask followers to proselythise. Ancient Greeks, the Norsemen, the Romans, all were converted less because of the originality of Christianity's message, and more because of the revolutionary novelty of the act of conversion. That is why I place Matthew above Mohammed and Jesus himself as the most influential guy in human history. The closest person to Matthew is probably Hitler.


Now, do one for Islam.
