Whataboutyourmom's Replies

"Fall from grace" He's not even really famous any more. He was in Tombstone which is like 30 years old, and The Big Lebowski sucked dog balls and is only liked by morons. You're being overdramatic and a douchebag. Hahahaha. That's all you have to say that to clip you pitiful weasel? Change your username to "Dignitas customer". "What a bunch of clowns" You're like the "Morning Zoo" radio machine off the simpsons aren't ya? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC3W1BiUjp0 "normal" folks. You mean those who support this man? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DbE2SmV2bs Oh, I understand now. You're repeating a phrase Hitler invented. That totally vindicates you! Jesus CHRIST you're such a potent, big ball of autism you actually give off huge bursts of static electricity, and I can hear you making like whirring noises and shit. I was annoyed by your repetitive and simplistic language. Why do you need to use kindergarten terms? I thought that supposed "intelligent" people had prevailed in America again, because of Biden's "victory" (lol). So why couldnt you say something like "Putin's deception" etc. From your point of view, a stupid electorate is one that doesn't vote for the Dems - and you use simple words that stupid people can understand - hence, you don't really believe Biden won. LOL Stop calling everything a "big lie" you big 8-year-old. Who cares? Only an idiot would watch this tournament anyway. Shariaball is not a sport it's an IQ-crushing torture device. Hey Yahooo911 or whatever. https://moviechat.org/bd0000082/Politics/61fab1e5dfff904f274c51c1/Supporters-of-The-Thing-From-The-Crypt-AKA-biden How come you didnt have a reply for this thread? Couldnt make anything up, and didnt want to tell the truth? LOL [quote]Third or fourth grade?[/quote] Please don't offer me anything from your porn collection. No...? because I don't talk to myself? How many stupid questions are you going to bombard me with. Jesus wept, woman. We'll be here all century until you finally realise I don't respect or care about your tardpinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XNFokmDKrE Oh no, not "FUCk trump". MY WEEK IS RUINED NOW And you did it "by the way" too. I was going near The Way later for a soda. Now it'll be ruined because you fucked Trump while you were nearby! YOU CRUEL CRUEL MAN! Your attempt to sound like a pipe-smoking philosopher is now complete...ly embarrassing. You're the one who's "tone deaf", basement-dwelling Biden lover. You can't even tell I'm actively rooting for one of them to get blown up live on air, you puny-brained fucking putz. Jeez, oh no I'm "tone deaf" according to some random guy, that totally means I won't get invited to his basement to jack off over the next episode of AEW wrestling... MY SOCIAL LIFE IS SOOOO OVER now... If you tag "terrorism" on to every single occasion that someone was afraid, that means you devalue the word. Of course, you don't care about considerations of the future, or the English language. If you take your standard, anyone who has ever been beaten up at school is also a victim of terrorism, because they also did that to "Keep them in line". Didn't they? If you recall, Trump was told by Twitter that threatening to enforce the law against George Floyd rioters constitutes "glorifying violence" LOL. That was a judgment passed down by Osama Bin Dorsey. So by that standard anyone who has ever seen a police car go by is a victim of terrorism, because enforcing the law is "violent" correct? [quote]"I standby my comment. "[/quote] Don't just <b>standby</b> it, turn it off completely at the switch. You illiterate kook. "Chattel slavery" you've got fruity old fashioned terms memorised that are supposed to make you look smart in the eyes of the gullible. Slavery is slavery, you care about the different names for it lol. I bet you voluntarily watch Coen bros movies. Because they support your precious President Alzheimer? God you're stupid aren't ya? jesus wept.