Whataboutyourmom's Replies

Haha (sarcasm) Sarcasm is always so much funnier if you have to explain to people that you're being sarcastic (sarcasm) Who or what the hell is benji ya weirdo (sarcasm) (sarcasm) (sarcasm) I banged your mom and Im not even into chicks. (sarcasm) uh yeah in the same way that Matrix Revolutions is a "great movie" - only great if you're a staggeringly-easily-impressed dweeb who's already accepted he'll die a virgin. I already did. Because they're easily impressed simpletons. Look at you, "suffice" hahaa. Ooh I bet you have such great dinner parties with yourself, oh educated one... I'll do it after you tell me why Inception (at number 13, fer christs sake) is a good movie. It didn't have a coherent story at all. It was a total pile of sheeeeyit. [quote]Would you like to name some movies you would like to see on the top ranking list, or shall we leave you alone to whine?[/quote] Oh no I was called a "whiner" by some generic douchebag on the internet. I'd better change all my opinions now. In fact why stop there, I'll change my religion and gender too. You are my hero and one of the most truly impressive people I've ever met. How can she give them COVID if they're vaccinated? How much do they get paid to "investigate" stuff they did themselves? Why can't they just "investigate" themselves with their right hand like most Biden supporters do? Don't you support this guy?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DbE2SmV2bs Okay then dumbass... [quote"The women-hating Texas Taliban has plenty in common with the women-hating Afghan Taliban."[/quote] Except you love the Taliban. That's one thing they definitely don't have in common. If you hate ISISlamic oppression of women, why is it that the only ever time you even talk about the subject is when you're falsely trying to compare them to "conservatives"... Dipsh1t. No, not really.. Oh yeah "the free world" under Joe Biden is just a super exciting and fun place to live. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DbE2SmV2bs Being told to "act like a man" by some total virgin loser on the internet. LOL Boredom makes people crazy and evil. I guess they must be bored of Ice Hockey up there. Knowing that the 2020 election was fraudulent is not "inside information", you silly little man. It was as obvious as a pedo in a playground. So what do washed up 90s people have to say about people who died despite being triple-vaxxed? Let us know about that as soon as possible! [quote]People are being radicalized and brainwashed through rightwing media[/quote] I'd be amazed if the word "eugenics" has been mentioned on FOX news even once in the last 10 years. Your answer to everything is "RIGHT WING MEDIA DID IT!!!!", you are a hysterical bumpkin, you spend your entire life projecting your own simple mindedness and hysteria onto others. I didnt even realise you posted it a year ago. usually I look closely but this time I didnt. Maybe I wouldnt have bothered correcting you if I'd seen that. Fighting for the English language is definitely a losing battle now.