Esterhowse's Replies

"Tina Louise - why wasn't she a bigger star?" Why would she be? There is nothing special about her. There is a sea of gorgeous humans in Hollywood. "Well, to be fair to MoS they did establish it was the atmosphere that gives them powers, " So they unless a world machine that completely changes the atmosphere. Also her choices were become a wizard or live her life swimming in a puddle of pigshit.. "I'm 5 episodes in and it is as confusing as hell. I finally found out that there are 3 different timelines going on. I'm sorry but that's just piss-poor production. I don't know when's going on!" Not only is the time jumping so poorly done, it is just pointless. There is no reason for the first season to do it. " Do I have to read the books to understand that stuff better?" It won't make this show any better. This show is just terrible. It just fails on every level. "Anyone else find Will's attitude about not wanting to grow up ridiculous?" Not at all. I found it to be a very genuine character response. Season 3 was excellent. Season 2 was even more excellent. Season 1 was the most excellent of all 3. "You start the season with millions of dead people on Earth and i'm supposed to give a shit if Naomi patches things up with her garbage mass murderer of a kid?" I agree completely. Apparently the entire earth is collapsing and do we see that? No we episode after episode of Naomi's circular discussion with her kid and baby daddy. If the left half of your brain can't communicate with the right half. This week is episode 4 of 6 and the story hasn't really moved past the introduction phase. So far the show is 60s Batman TV show level fights and the introduction of some 2nd tier character from the Captain America movies. The humor is just so shoe horned in and just so head scratching. There is a massive gun fight with explosions and absurd amounts of people being killed, yet no blood, no gore and everything is just easily resolved every step of the way. Finally all the constant naval gazing between the Winter Snow Ball and Falcon about how Falcon should have kept shield is just tedious at this point. Yeah the show just has no stakes. -- Mandalorian has been shot in the head. Easily fixed with magic spray. -- 350 heavily armed guys guarding a thing. Easily fixed by just lopping a grenade that-a-way It is just trash tier TV. nope It was an absurdly shitty finale, it is bizarre the direction things went in this show. The show unceremoniously killed off three characters that the show spent so much time on. WTF was the point of everything that Scorsby and Parry did? So Parry could tell Will to join the fight? Will finding his dad was a corner stone storyline of the show and that was it. Will needs to fight the war against the magisterium? Why should we (the audience) give a fuck about any war the magisterium is going to fight? We only seen three multi-verse worlds and one is our. Sure magisterium who uses pre WWI weapons go ahead and attack our world.. No one would need the idiotic knife to end that shit. The whole specter storyline was a total fart in the wind. The whole frumpy Susan Surandon look-a-like character storyline was a total fart in the wind. Everything to do with the Lady of Bear Island storyline was a total fart in the wind. What a shit show. "Do you really believe everyone is going to accept this election???" Yes "There's a good argument to be had that presidents who lose the popular vote are illegitimate." No there is not. The president is not selected by winning the popular vote. It was originally going to be on the Playboy Channel and they added more scenes and Bamm a movie was born. Yes it was. Yeah This movie was dogshit Yeah that is bullshit. Under the Skin was fucking terrible.