Esterhowse's Replies

"and am I supposed to care about random Wakanda warrior?" Isn't she Black Panther's Sister? And I agree with you. Who cares? The whole show is just third tier MCU character reunions. "And why haven't BOTH of them also been SUED by the DOMINION VOTING MACHINE business who also filed a BILLION dollar LAW SUIT against the FOX propaganda channel for ruining their business???" The Son is part of the lawsuit. "so why hasn't his father also been placed in JAIL for being one of the DOMESTIC TERRORIST???" All he did was walk around outside. It is only the people who stormed the capital who are being charged. He sure is. The whole Q thing is such a scam. The Watkins have a PAC that claims to raise money for republican's candidates but all it spends money on is advertising space on 8 chan/Khun. That is the final piece of the puzzle for me. The only thing that kept me from believing that Watkins was Q was that he wasn't monetizing it. Well that is how he was going to do it. Why: R O I Favorite movie: Blue Velvet. Favorite Season of Twin Peaks, season 1. "You need a college education in order to have a good career and do well in life." That is still correct. Too many people who don't have the sense to walk away. Ahh I was wondering why DMX kept show up in the feed. You right wingers are trying to manufacture outrage. Thorne by Bella? I am with you man. I found this movie so entertaining. Sure it has its flaws but it also had its moments. The OPs point about Whalberg walking on the ice is valid though... " Sofia Vergara is awful. " No argument here but she sure looked good! Wow there are people who hate Flash Gordon? It is coming up on 40 years. I don't think I have seen this thing in over 35 years. It is fucking terrible. It is meandering artsy fartsy dogshit. The whole thing was pretty pictures and characters wandering around in them. /boggle You got a level of respect because he got punched in the face, could not grow a beard and had his wisdom teeth removed.. Wow you a really setting the bar high there. raises his hand LMAO that is hilarious! The BReast Master was a favorite movie of mine, back when it was on constant repeat on HBO etc in the 80s. Thats not really relevant to the story is it? Wow I didn't realize this was a Mike Nichols movie. Yeah the movie is really unfocused.