MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Do you want Snyder's vision for the DCEU...

Do you want Snyder's vision for the DCEU?

I'm not trolling or attacking Snyder or his fans, Just genuinely asking, do YOU want his plans for Superman, Batman & the gang to come to fruition?

Personally, I just hope DC focuses on solo outings going forward. Cause 9 times outta 10, that's where they absolutely shine. More importantly give a director creative control of a project & let them do their thing

Not EVERYTHING has to be connected.


The only things I’ve read about his vision, relates to Knightmare. Realistically, I would watch them, but I don’t think they necessarily need to be connected to the DCEU. I also completely agree with giving the director creative control, but only IF they are also the one with the “written by” or “story by” credit. If the “written by” or “story by” person is not the director, then I believe that the director should have some influence on the final product, but not full control. The main instance that I can come up with where a director was able to exert too much creative control over someone else’s property was the “Harry Potter” series. JK Rowling gave up way too much creative control over her creation to the studio.

Not EVERYTHING has to be connected.

True. This is one reason I really hope that Marvel’s plan to reboot Blade fails. Just because Disney now owns the rights to the character doesn’t mean they have to use it, let alone, find a way to weave it into the MCU.


Firstly, the creative control bit, I meant like a solo film. Not the whole franchise. Like with James Gunn & The Suicide Squad. Like give a director & their writing partner a Lobo, Booster Gold or Vixen solo film & let them do their thing

And With the Blade thing, bums me out that it's probably gonna be PG13

Cause when Feige was asked, now that Deadpool is gonna be Rated R, are there any plans for other characters/MCU films to follow suit and he said No.


I don't think Blade necessarily need to be R-rated. They still can show gruesome mutilations of vampires, they just go straight into ash and sparks anyway. No blood, no gore. Basically just like Thanos' snap.

An R-rated Blade movie would be just for crass language or some softporn. Which are not important. PG-13 is plenty for obvious CGI violence. Thor Ragnarok was seriously violent with various sword and spear impalements, semi-permanent eye injury, and turning people into liquid goo alive.


My take is, why not have both the Snyderverse and the solo, unrelated projects? It's true that not everything has to be connected, but why not make a set of related films set within the Snyderverse and separate films that aren't related? If HBO Max is as interested in the Snyderverse as some outlets are reporting, then the divide would be pretty clean in terms of keeping track of what is or isn't related to the Snyderverse so I don't think audience confusion would be an issue.


Plus, it wouldn't be "confusing" since they're doing the whole Multiverse thing


I don't WANT it but I think it would be preferable to a Patty Jackson vision ...


Patty Jackson?


Patty Jenkins

sorry. lol


No. While this version was an improvement, it's still not very good.

They need to can the DCEU and go back to making stand alone films for a while.


I'd love a Batman solo movie with Snyder, but that's about it.

That Batman v Superman warehouse scene was the best Batman I've ever seen, and some of those shots of him on the rooftops taking in the views were beautiful.

I'd like to see that Battfleck/Deathstroke movie a lot.


Apparently, The Affleck solo film was gonna be the "darkest Batman film yet". After Deathstroke finds out Batman's identity, he starts killing everyone close to him & all that.

I would've LOVED to see a Batfleck v Deathstroke fight. Would've been beyond epic!!


Why Snyder, When you could just have Ben Affleck Direct it. Because unlike Snyder, Affleck actually has directed a movie that won a Oscar for Best Picture. Just saying.


The question wasn't about Affleck. The question was about Snyder. I would like to see Affleck's version of Batman too.

I freakin' loved all three of Affleck's movies.





Personally i really don't want Snyder to continue making these movies. Because i would like these movies to be good and actually resemble the comic book counterparts. But DC movies will continue to be hit or miss without him. But at least there more chances for more hits without him. This version might be an improvement. But its no Citizen Kane.


I enjoyed The Snyder Cut for the most part but I genuinely *hate* his plans for the Justice League sequels. Apparently, Batfleck sacrifices himself. Lois & Superman name their kid Bruce Kent. He doesn't have any powers & he becomes the next Batman

Like wtf? I genuinely don't get why his fans call him a "genius" or these films "masterpieces". I really don't get it.

I'm so gonna pass on the Restore the Snydervese stuff


