juviejay's Replies

Imagine you're accused of a crime you didn't do. Then you might be grateful for our system. Imagine you're accused of a crime you didn't do. Then you might be grateful for our system. Stir Crazy I saw them in Duluth in...92? Just closed minded, eh? No, it's because we don't enjoy being lectured to by people who haven't yet mastered their native language. And a typo is when you get one letter wrong, typing beet instead of beer, for example. What you did was inject a whole unnecessary word, thus screwing up the whole sentence. But your close-mindedness is typical of conservatives. You don't listen to reason. You'd never seen Kim Basinger's before breasts? Where have you been? They've been all over the place for years! From 9 1/2 Weeks, to The Getaway, to Playboy and the internet; those breasts have seen more exposure than an unmasked, unvaccinated essential worker who refuses to wash his hands! Agreed, breaking the 4th wall should be used sparingly and only for good reason. Boston Legal and Moonlighting used to use it effectively, but I didn't see the need for it here. Subplot: a bunch of other assholes tried to stop them. Cofeefee "These the word democrat translates to someone who has no brain." Sad thing is you're probably not intelligent enough to appreciate the irony in this sentence. The problem with this is that Trump was often at odds with his intelligence agencies. Remember when he tried to extort the President of Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden's son or he would withhold missiles? I'm going from memory here so I can't give specific details, but you know what I mean. These policies went on regardless of Trump, not because of him. Didn't he fire a lot of his top military aides? Rex Tillerson called him a "fucking idiot." His campaign manager (I forget his name but he helped several tyrants take power around the world) was hung out to dry. His former lawyer, Michael Cohen, has turned against him, as has his former Attorney General. He did bomb in Syria (at his daughter's behest) but stopped when Putin told him not to do it again. He said he believed Putin when he told him when he said he didn't interfere with the elections, despite the fact that all 17 of our intelligence agencies said he did. Putin and Russia was happy when Trump was elected. They had been cultivating him as an asset for years. Trump admired Putin. Remember him praising Putin and criticizing Obama when Obama was president? Back in the eighties, Trump visited Russia and lied and said he met with Gorbachev. He never did. He's a joke, a liar, a fraud, a buffoon. And you've all eaten it up. I lean democrat, but that's a fair point. News should be unbiased. Unfortunately, it's not. Still, I'd rather have Joe than Trump. Trump was owed by Putin. After Trump lost all of his money in Atlantic City, no US Bank would loan to him anymore. Russia stepped up. Also, Trump didn't know world history. Trump has an enormous ego. And Trump is, face it, not very intelligent. Biden's not the brightest guy to be President, but he understands what it's about. He's been around it enough. He knows the importance of NATO. Trump would have probably let Putin run over Ukraine with no opposition. He probably would have praised him. I'm not saying we should go toe to toe with Russia, but working with our allies (many of who Trump alienated) seems to be effective so far. But he did actually save some people after Hurricane Katrina, right? You talkin' to me? He shouldn't quit. He's like the leader. I'm not familiar with Joe, but I'll take your word for it. Well, they could have done what they did with the other movies, skip through rounds, showing only a few flurries of each. But, whatever, not a huge deal to me. She was good in Pulp Fiction. I liked her in The Big Blue, also. It did seem a bit early for Lang to "punch himself out;" however, Ali was notorious for letting his opponents hang around longer than they could (or in some cases should) have. Also, Rocky supposedly, had a pretty good punch, despite being rather small for a heavyweight. Think Joe Frazier. As far as the sequel goes, i doubt they were thinking about that when they made this one.