juviejay's Replies

Well, you don't know she would have died. She told Jesse to sleep on his side in case he threw up. Then.Walt comes in, nudges her on to her back, and doesn't save her when she starts choking. So, that would be why, IMO. Hero And Justice For All Rain Man Runaway Jury Little Big Man P.S. Haven't seen Papilion, Straw Dogs, Lenny, Midnight Cowboy, or Marathon Man. Con Air was much better than Air Force One. No love for Caddyshack? Well, i haven't seen it for a while, but I did like it a lot. I don't think the plot is over complicated. In fact, I like movies where it's not so black and white/good vs. evil. This movie has more layers, more characters with varying levels of good and bad in them. I find it much more interesting, and much more believable. I don't think cops earned much then, or now. Public servants generally don't. Well, remember, Kim Basinger's character wasn't an actress, but a prostitute made to look like an actress. I don't know about the locations. Wasn't alive in the 50s. As for the acting, well Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, Kim Basinger have all won Academy Awards. I believe Basinger won for this film, so I don't see that at all. As for Cromwell (the old man from the pig family movie) well, he showed you his range here, didn't he. Zero Effect Martin Sheen should run for president. Then Charlie could handle Middle East Peace Negotiations. Ha ha ha ha. So would I. 8 265. E! True Hollywood Story 6 269. Unsolved Mysteries 6 Alright, now here are a few of my own 1. Moonlighting 2. Ally McBeal 3. The Practice 4. Picket Fences 5. Dexter 6. Californication 7. House of Lies 8. The Good Fight 9. Castle 10. Monk 11. Firefly 12. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip 13. Sports Night 14. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 15. Late Night with David Letterman 16. The Colbert Report 17. The Newsroom 18. Impractical Jokers 19. Boston Legal 20. Boston Public (would like to see more of this one) 21. Chicago Hope (want to see more of this one, too) 22. I"m Dying Up Here (my favorite new show) 167. The Dukes Of Hazard 5 171. The A Team 5 173. The Fall Guy (can't remember) 177. King Of Queens 8 178. Harry Hills TV Show 179. Home Improvements 7 181. Veep 8 185. The Incredible Hulk (like it when i was a kid) 191. The Muppet Show 8 192. Armstrong & Miller 193. The Wonder Years 8 195. Happy Days 8 197. Two & A Half Men 7 212. The 70s Show 7 213. Blakes 7 214. The Brady Bunch 5 215. Fawlty Towers (seen it, but don't remember much) 217. Men Behaving Badly 6 218. Bewitched (can't recall) 220. My Name Is Earl 5 222. The Nanny 5 226. Threes Company 7 228. Family Ties 6 230. The Adams Family 4 232. The Munsters 4 234. News Radio 6 (only above average cause of Maura Tierney) 236. King Of The Hill 8 240. Taxi 9 246. Just Shoot Me 7 248. The Flintstones (don't recall) 250. The Sarah Silverman Programs 4 (I really like Sarah, but didn't like her show) 88. The Office - US 6 (haven't seen too many) 94. Futurama 6 98. Dallas (saw it, but was so long ago can't remember) 100. The Larry Sander 8 (never saw Gary Shandling's Show, but I'd like to) 104. Scrubs 5 105. Derek 122. The Good Wife 8 124. True Detective 9 (first season. stopped watching during second) 133. Longmire 6 135. The Mentalist 7 147. NYPD Blue 8 155. Married With Children 4 163. MASH 7 164. Saturday Night Live (kind of hard to rate this one. Overall? 7) 165. Knightrider 5 Top 270 TV Shows 10/10 Genius/ Classic Film 9/10 Brilliant/ Excelent 8/10 Very Good/ Very Entertaining 7/10 Good/ Entertaining Enough 6/10 Worth Watching 5/10 Average/ Watchable 4/10 Very Averafe/ Just Watchable 3/10 Dull/ Voring 2/10 Awful 1/10 Unwatchable 0/10 Unrateable Its So Bad 2. Doctor Who 5 3. Curb Your Enthusiasm 8 6. Breaking Bad 9 12. House Of Cards – US 8 (only watched 1st season) 14. The West Wing 10 (first 4 seasons) 8 (last 3) 17. Monty Pythons Flying Circus 9 18. Everybody Loves Raymond 8 22. Seinfeld 7 24. Fraiser 5 (this show always felt like it was trying too hard) 26. Cheers 9 28. Friends 8 34. The Simpsons 9 36. South Park 8 40. Roseanne 8 42. The Big Bang Theory 7 (again, tries too hard to be smart) 44. House 5 48. NCIS 7 50. Buffy The Vampire Slayer 6 (never watched Angel) 55. In Plane Site 6 60. Law & Order 7 62. Criminal Minds 7 (though haven't seen many episodes) 68. Walking Dead 5 (not into zombies) 70. Supernatural 5 76. Battlestar Galatica - Remake 6 83. The Benny Hill Show 8 To me, the movie was about the role women play in our society, as well as the expectations and dangers they face. It is also kind of a morality tale, if you ask me. We are presented with a woman getting ready for a date--an older woman, who has a teenage daughter who is also a mother. This, right here, is breaking some societal norms. In a "ideal" world, it would be the daughter going out, and she wouldn't have a son. She is also breaking societal norms by sleeping with a married man. Later, we find her rejecting and even making fun of the "Christian" values of her mother and sister. Unfortunately, she pays a huge price for this misbehavior. She loses her daughter. Whatsmore, she is forced to raise her grandson virtually by herself, all the while hoping her daughter may return. Later we find her shacked up with an abusive boyfriend. This, she does, out of necessity, so she can go back to school and get a degree and improve her life. Many women, I think, are "forced" into this kind of position out of economic necessity. This is where American society fits in. Nevertheless, she perseveres, gets her degree, and gets a job. She also raises her grandson to the precipice of manhood. Finally, she finds a new relationship, one that seems to have a lot of promise. But, ultimately, this one fails as well, as her husband cheats on her. It is a slow growth process for her, but eventually she seems to understand that she can only rely on herself. And that in order to do so, she must make wise choices and act responsibly. It is a long journey, but one she eventually seems to finish. It is also a comment on society. Women in this country face a lot of unnecessary obstacles and dangers, mainly from men. Perhaps if we recognize this, we can begin to change it. I think the dog would naturally go with Gordo while Robyn is recovering since it had already stayed with him, and thus has a previous relationship. The OP is correct, Simon is too unsettled to deal with his own life, much less another's. Then, when she is ready, Robyn can take the dog back. But, who are we kidding, really? She can't raise a baby and a dog by herself. Since Simon is now out, and since Gordo may well be the father of her child, it only makes sense that she would take him in, for the sake of the dog.