juviejay's Replies

More culturally significant? Are you kidding me? Rocky IV ended the Cold Frickin' War! Forget about Reagan or the Pope, it was Rocky (with Gorbachev bleachers) "What I'm trying to say is that if I can change...(small applause)...and if you can change...(more applause)...everyone can change (huge applause)!" If that doesn't prove it I don't know what will. More culturally significant? Are you kidding me? Rocky IV ended the Cold Frickin' War! Forget about Reagan or the Pope, it was Rocky (with Gorbachev bleachers) "What I'm trying to say is that if I can change...(small applause)...and if you can change...(more applause)...everyone can change (huge applause)!" If that doesn't prove it I don't know what will. Is this a joke? There's no actual rape in the movie, just a reference to an imaginary girl getting felt up and being upset about it? Wow. Way to blow things out of proportion. I guess the 80s were different, because back in the 80s raping someone and talking about some imaginary person getting felt up is not al all the same thing. Not at all. Try watching Porkies sometime. Or, rather, don't. It would probably put you in the hospital. I thought you were going to talk about when Mastrantonio hits on Newman, and he rather roughly rejects her. That, I can see as maybe a tad bit objectionable, but not what you said. Wish I could "like" your post. :) Okay, I rewatched the last episode and did enjoy it more. It did have tension. The first time I saw it I was a bit distracted. Still, I thought the ending was a bit rushed and not logical. I mean, it was maybe too logical. Harrison all of a sudden jumps to the conclusion that Dexter must die and is cold enough to do it. I didn't find it believable. I think a better ending would have been if Harrison learned about the code and started using it. But Dexter, trying to stop him, gets in the way and gets killed. Maybe that would have been too predictable. Or, if his girlfriend, in trying to stop him, ended up shooting and killing Harrison. That would have been a good twist, right? Or too much like Deb and Rita. I know, Dexter and Harrison get away, but Batista sees them on the way out of town, chases them, arrests Harrison and shoots Dexter. "This is for Maria!" I agree. No tension. No emotion. No logic. Thank you for posting this. I noticed it too. It started in episode 1 where Dexter's supposed to go with his girlfriend to some event, I forget what, (talk about lazy writing) but all of a sudden people know about it because word gets around in a small town. Lame. And, yeah, the whole thing with Batista was ridiculous. Yeah, that's a good one, good movie too. Hey, that's a good idea for a series--the fumbling sociopath. Maybe that's what I heard. Yes, that's a great one. I thought I heard that Hopper ad libbed it. Do you iknow anything about that? That was pretty good. I'm not sure this is true. The British exploited India. How are they doing? Well, they are the world's longest democracy, but they have massive pollution, over population and poverty. Yes, the three Ps! What about China? China is an emerging superpower, but I don't think it's because of the British. They actually shot cannon balls into the Chinese ports to force them to keep selling opium to the English. How's that for "building infrastructure"? The point of colonialism was to pull riches out of these nations and bring them back home. In Africa the British and others carved up territories with little regard to the indigenous people who lived there. People that were life-long enemies were forced to try to form a country. How well has that worked? I'm wondering if she didn't plan it that way, the way it happened. Look at the letter she sent, the texts. She, at least, planned for this possibility. And what if she had succeeded in castrating him? We she get away with it? Her career was shot, her best friend was dead and her boyfriend a creep. What did she have to live for? Well, IMDb gives it a 8.2 rating, and Rotten Tomatoes gives it 8.6 so it seems your opinion is in the minority. The idea of a dude as tiny as Pacino playing football is hilarious. Ever heard of Barry Sanders? Go to any show's chat room that has lasted more than a couple years and you'll find at least one thread like this, about how the show used to be good but now is trash. I'm actually enjoying the flashbacks. Young Smurf is pretty hot, and I like her balls. Great! I'll book a ticket to Australia. Can I stay with you? Lol