juviejay's Replies

And, speaking of pleasant... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGt7gzrp6M4 Yes, it is. Though, I have to admit, I never really fell in love with that movie like everyone else seemed to. And as long as we're doing Westerns... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SREed7TT5_s Ha, I recognize the music. I gotta also say The Matrix Revolutions, when Neo fights all the agent Smiths. I watch this and notice a smile broadening on my face as the tonk, tonk, tonk, of the pipe he's holding send Smiths flying in all different directions. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely, one of my favorites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sj062vXAns Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue Does Van Halen count? I'd rate them #1. "The Rapture" by Siouxsie and the Banshees. That is a good one. :) I also like this scene a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trgKeCFmi3M Well, it wasn't meant to be a comedy. Still, there are some funny scenes. Precursor to the KKK. That, or maybe he equated all the killing he had done with that of Candie and didn't see much difference. Therefore, he felt they both deserved to die. My take is that it was fate catching up to him. Remember when they are traveling across the plantation and Django is arguing with one of Candie's men. King tells him to settle down cause he has no intention of dying in, "[whatever county], Alabama." How often do we declare things only to have life show us just the opposite to be true? I think that's what this was, and I think it was good writing. Castle Boston Legal I don't really have an impression of what Jerry West is like. I'm too young to have seen him play or coach. They show him once in a while and he seems happy. Why wouldn't he be? I thought the portrayal of Magic (who always seemed like a "nice guy") was a bit rough. In fact, he seemed like a real jerk, conning us white folks and cheating on Cookie. However, when they showed the sports caster talking directly to Cookie, it made think about Inglorious Basterds, and how at the beginning of the movie it says, "Once Upon a Time..." This was the justification for the totally false ending. Anyway, i think the fact that Jim McCay is it? is talking directly to Cookie (and other instances of breaking the 4th wall) is meant to indicate that this can't be taken at face value. They even have a disclaimer at the end of each episode saying that accuracy was sacrificed for dramatic effect. Given this, I don't think West has much of a case. Though I'm not a legal expert. In no particular order: Quentin Tarantino Robert Rodriguez Michael Mann James Cameron Luc Besson I watched it. It was a great show. One of my favorites. I'm a heterosexual man. And just because it had women in it I don't think necessarily makes it "targeted" to young women. Is every show that has young men in it "targeted" towards them? Also, she was very skinny, but I'm not sure she ever had an eating disorder. Unfortunately, I think she (like a lot of women in Hollywood) felt pressured to lose weight, either directly or indirectly. Maybe that's why she "survived." However, I do agree she looked better when she weighed more, like she did in the early episodes. 3. Yeah, except she cray cray.