juviejay's Replies

Big, watermelon...head is not the body part I would think of watching this video. Why does everyone have to cut people down, anyway? Yeah, but he's such a dick the way he treats Cookie. He wants her, and everyone else. But she has to be loyal to him. She meets another guy and he bullies him away. Then they also kind of imply that his whole nice guy image is an act to deal with with white people. Understandable, but I don't think he'd want it to be public. Winning Time. It's on HBO. Starship Troopers also has one of the hardest ones to watch for me when that "smart bug" sucks out the brains of whatshisname. Couple more I thought of: 1. Wonder Boys--When James lists off all the actors and actresses who've committed suicide, and how they did it. 2. Kung Fu Hustle--When Sing stomps on the Beast's toes. They Live? Yeah, but it also ended the Cold War, so.... Yeah, somehow that movie got lost. Maybe it was because it was political and things change so fast. Anyway, I think Obama liked it too. I remember him threatening to go "full Bulworth." I, too, love Grease, and that song especially. Haven't seen Holy Motors, but if Kylie is in it I might just have to. Haven't seen that one. That scene in Casino was rough. Haven't seen Goodfellas. I know. I'm sorry. I suck. I just never liked mob movies that much. The glorification of ultraviolent criminals never did it for me. I was thinking of mentioning the Hannibal scene. And, yeah, seeing Peterson get shot does suck. He detests Trump. Nice. I forgot about that one! Good one. Thank you all for replying haven't seen some of those, but I'll make sure not to check them out. Anyway, thought of another one. Born on the Fourth of July. When Ron gets shot in Vietnam. Just to piss you off. Yeah, Magic comes off as looking pretty bad. I wonder how much of it is true.