juviejay's Replies

Well, you're no fun. I agree. They didn't cover that well enough. What? You're just going to give up? C'mon, argue with me a little. Rocky vs. Ivan Drago. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nope. How you supposed to remember how you felt about something you forgot? Hector vs. Achilles in Troy? Also, this may help you. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls047125670/ I liked The Gift, and, of course, Karate Kid. It's old, but My Giant comes to mind. Also, maybe Kids. Never seen it, but I think there's some bullying in it. Revenge of the Nerds (of course) but that's comedy. Weird Science (same problem). Can't Buy Me Love (same problem). And there was one where a kid who was small wanted to play on the football team. I can't remember what it was called. Not Rudy. But it had a one named title, I think, like Gabriel or something. Something with a G, I think. Was an 80s film. I still think that was Ron Jeremy, btw. "Keep the change you filthy animal." Lol Yes! Oh, yeah, Butler. Guess I have a bit of a man crush on Bana ever since I saw him play Hector in Troy. Poor Hector :(... Hey, that's not a bad scene, though. SPOILERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UTb7VKTCcw Greenland? You mean the movie that came out a year or two ago with Eric Bana and Morena Baccarin? That was a lot of action! Well, here's a clip with considerably less action, but which I love. Not really sure if it's a Western, per say, but seems inspired by them if nothing else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1Nuk_y-Iqc Could be. My guess is that it's an attempt by the network to paint Hollywood (which is by and large liberal) as disgusting, violent and immoral. Alright, well here's another one from the same movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4HbzdvBJvs Lol. Another good one.