MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Easiest Scenes to watch in film history....

Easiest Scenes to watch in film history...

First we did hardest...

Anyway, how about your favorite scenes in movie history.

1. The Matrix. When Morpheus fights Neo. Keanu says, "I know Kung Fu." Then gives that little smirk.

2. The Big Lebowski. The drop off. Dude and Walter go to drop off the money for the kidnappers and instead throw Walter's undies. Lot's of other good scenes in that film as well.

3. Bulworth. The Senator rapping his appearence on TV.

4. Gattaca. The final "chicken race" between Vincent and Anton.

5. Pleasantville. When David slugs Whitey, then turns color.

6. Zero Effect. The phone call between Daryl and Gloria.


Michael visits the hospital - The Godfather
Roy Neary driving his truck on a dark rural road - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Quint’s USS Indianapolis story - Jaws
Grocery store Presidential alert scene - Greenland
T-Rex scene - Jurassic Park


Greenland? You mean the movie that came out a year or two ago with Eric Bana and Morena Baccarin?


not really an easy watch right, this one makes more sense


Not Bana, Gerard Butler


Oh, yeah, Butler. Guess I have a bit of a man crush on Bana ever since I saw him play Hector in Troy. Poor Hector :(...

Hey, that's not a bad scene, though. SPOILERS


Bana in Blackhawk Down too




I'm not really into cool ones, I like more cheesy or sentimental or even nostalgic ones:

Addams Family Values – Debbie’s slideshow explanation of why she kills people

A Little Princess – The two girls wake up surrounded by luxury

E.T: The Extra Terrestrial – The bike in the sky scene

Frequency – When John realizes he’s talking to his dad

Home Alone – Kevin scares off the pizza boy with the movie Angels With Filthy Souls

Hook – When Peter becomes Pan

Titanic – The portrait scene


"Keep the change you filthy animal." Lol


"Cheapskate" pfft love it.


It's a tie between Liz Taylor and Bette Davis with the same line, "What a Dump". Both Warner Bros movies I believe.
