juviejay's Replies

November Rain? Carly Simon, Kylie Minogue, (young) Mariah Carey, Donna Summer, (young) Beyonce. Agreed. She's gorgeous, and not a beooooootch. I agree. Total beoooootch. Yeah, Peter was set up to be the bad guy on the show. However, it was Alicia who asked him to act on their daughter's behalf. One thing I appreciated about this show is that it showed flaws in everyone, and admirable things. We are told a number of times how good Peter was at being a state's attorney. Alicia, the heroine, often compromises her ideals in the name of getting ahead. Will, Alicia's "Prince/Lover to be" has his own ethical problems. Eli isn't beyond cheating to win elections. Everybody's got some dirt on them, it seems. Just like life :) Who comes to a thread about recommendations, gets them, then says, "No thanks, I'm good." That's a douche. I tried to be helpful and was ridiculed. I guess you didn't recognize my humor, either. I don't think people care too much about bugs, lol. Besides, people in other countries eat bugs. I saw someone eating live grubs on TV one time. I believe he was a native of the Amazon basin. I was watching Revenge of the Nerds and thinking they couldn't do this film today: [spoiler] the panty raid, setting up cameras watch the girls naked, putting on a mask and pretending to be a woman's boyfriend to have sex with her [/spoiler]. None of that stuff would fly today. Haven't you paid attention to the news? They make African Americans wait for hours and hours before they can vote. Meanwhile, white people in more affluent districts can breeze right through. Now, they passed a law that people can't even bring those waiting food or water while they stand in line for hours. There is also the thing about the IDs, which I don't find that bad. Most people have IDs, and you should have one to vote. They have also distributed information with incorrect information about voting dates and places to college students. Then, of course, there's gerrymandering. Which ones? Almost all have been in the news multiple times. They're saying that because Trump is going around saying he won the 2020 election when he clearly didn't. They're saying it because they tried to overturn the election on Jan. 6th--breaking into the capital, threatening politicians, attacking police officers. Remember that? And they're still trying to do that. As far as not believing in anything, well, this country was founded on separation of church and state. Therefore, it's right that they shouldn't be looking to the Bible, or any other religious book, when deciding laws. The republicans who do this are wrong. Republicans also seem to believe in disenfranchising African Americans, college students and others not prone to vote for them. Trump was the one who had a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed, who quoted Mussolini on Twitter, who said he was "in love" with Kim Jung Un, and who took Putin's word over that of our intelligence agencies. So, yeah, you got that one wrong, too. Gosh, there are so many good ones. I'd have to say Summer Nights, followed closely by Greased Lightning. By "cheesiest" I assume you mean "greatest." Agree to disagree. Ew, I didn't like Louis Canning. He justified defending horrible people by being a good husband. He was a bad winner, insincere, and used his disability to win cases. I enjoyed both Angel Heart and The Serpent and the Rainbow. Are they a trilogy? They don't seem to have any actors or plots in common, other than being horror. I'm watching Rachel's Wedding. Not a horror movie, but pretty good. No it doesn't. She was pretending to be Snookie. Of course when you do parody you go over the top. Did you ever see Hail Caesar! by the Coen brothers. There's a scene in there that parodies the classic musicals. Hilarious. I saw this a long time ago. Don't remember much, just the spiders!!! Thanks for your input. I haven't heard of most of these, but I'll try to find them. I wasn't trying to exclude or include certain genres. I like most, with the exception of horror and musicals. Though I do love Grease. But, like you, I like most anything that is done well, regardless of genre. I thought of another one. It's a comedy and it's called Outside of Providence. At one point this kid has to blow into his bong to try to convince his dad its a new instrument he's taken up.