juviejay's Replies

I knew it had something to do with Elvis. Sounds fun. I'll have to check it out. And I thought of a couple more: Henry Fool and the sequel, Fay Grimm Bubba Ho Tep. I've never seen that but I've been intrigued. What's it about? I'll check it out if I can find it. Always looking for a good scifi. Have you seen Supernova? It got panned but I didn't think it was that bad. Some kinda cool sciency stuff in it, also James Spader and Angela Basset. Can't beat that. 5 I would say Blood Simple for a hidden gem horror. Not sure when it came out. Early 80s I think. Wow, that's a big list. I haven't seen hardly any of them. Of course I wasn't born until 1970, and I don't generally like horror as a genre. I did see Orca, though, and I agree. Definitely a hidden gem. The monster is the one who shot the kids. We should all probably work harder to not produce such monsters within our society, as well as not allowing them to get ahold of military style guns so easily. Okay, watched it. Meh. I wasn't really talking about Biden. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up Trump, but he did leave Biden with a shit hand (like Bush left Obama with one). Unemployment up to 8%, Covid ravaging the country, a trade war with China, alienation of our allies, rising racial tension, another budget busting tax giveaway to the rich, stupid initiatives like the Wall and the Space Force. It may take a while to fix all that stuff. Hopefully the country won't abandon him before he can. Frankly, I'd rather see Obama or Clinton or Sanders in there, but Joe's doing okay so far. Anyway, this is my last statement on politics. There's another board for that. Okay, I saw that now. She was pretending to be Snooki from the Jersey Shore. Snooki isn't African American so the whole "black face" accusation is false. Actually, that's not true. There's plenty of evidence. Trump had been targeted as a Russian asset ever since the 80s when he visited Russian and lied he said he met with Gorbachev. Kislyak was invited into the White House the day after Trump took office. Trump met privately with Putin. All of our intelligence agencies said Russia interfered with our election. Unfortunately, William Barr just decided to prejudge (which he shouldn't have) the report before it was put out and helped Trump slide through. All the idiots who think Trump is so patriotic better ask why he takes the word of Putin over the word of our own military. Why he praises Putin and criticizes our military. The man's a traitor. Didn't see it. Don't remember it. I think she mentions it in her book as something she wouldn't do now. I remember Sarah Silverman going blackface to promote her "new show" on Comedy Central after Dave Chappell left. She also says it's something she wouldn't do now, but I found it funny at the time. No that's Trump and his followers that do that. How's that 2020 election going, btw? No problem. I think she's awesome. She's educated herself and doing her best to make the world better for everyone, even her opponents. That's not what I said. I agree. As long as he's around he's a threat to our democracy, and democracy world wide. Ivanka said in her divorce testimony that he not only raped her, but that he had a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed every night. I agree. As long as he's around he's a threat to our democracy, and democracy world wide. Ivanka said in her divorce testimony that he not only raped her, but that he had a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed every night.