MovieChat Forums > The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Discussion > The scene that gets me the most

The scene that gets me the most

When they toss the cells and Norton takes and nearly walks off with Andy's bible.

Only at the end of the movie when it reveals what Andy was hiding in it, does it become apparent how tense that scene really was (the audience just doesn't know yet).

I can't imagine how Andy kept his cool in that situation. Any normal person would've shaking, sweating, puking, or otherwise signaling something was amiss!


Yeah. It is an awesome scene at the end. Also, Andy wasn't like se other people. He didn't cry his first night in jail much to the surprise of Red. So he was able to keep his cool with the Warden. Plus he was making the Warden money so that the Warden wasn't too suspicious of him.


Can't say the warden wasn't suspicious of him, just that Andy was useful to him and the Warden had a reason to keep him happy


Any normal person would've shaking, sweating, puking, or otherwise signaling something was amiss!

Exactly, but Andy was not a normal guy. He struck me as a particularly icy and remorseless man. Chilled my blood just to look at him.


Nice one Strntz!


Thanks. It's so hard and unrewarding to be an internet comedian these days. Plus, the pay sucks!!!


Funny how that comment is almost word for word what the judge says to him at the beginning of the movie...

And remember that Andy was innocent of the crime.


Funny how that comment is almost word for word what the judge says to him at the beginning of the movie...

I couldn't go word for word because the judge was speaking to Andy directly and using a different tense.

And remember that Andy was innocent of the crime.

Or was he?


There is absolutely no reason why Norton would’ve been suspicious of Andy and the bible, every prisoner had a bible so why would Andy’s have been any different? Of course at the end, when we find out what was hidden inside the bible it does make that scene very tense. Andy knew though and I bet he was quaking in his boots at the time.
