MovieChat Forums > Robert A. Iger Discussion > Steps down as Disney CEO

Steps down as Disney CEO

Unfortunately this doesn't look like the herald of any significant change. Chapek's been with Disney 27 years already and was head of their parks before this. Iger is not leaving Disney but rather swapping places with Chapek.


Article I read made it sound like the future of Disney is all setup and it's just logistics management now, which Iger don't want nothing to do with. This talk of "focusing on creative" sounds like he's been tasked with fixing Star Wars before he leaves.


So much for the Fandom menace declaring victory.


Are the moderators bumping these pages? I notice they lack a recent post yet show up on the front trending page.

Anyways, Iger's back in as Disney holdings are in economic free fall. If Floriduh decides to open up everything we could be looking a bigger Coronavirus contamination zone in several months, with sporadic spikes through the summer as more people choose to behave recklessly.


TMC-4 made post. Do you have him on ignore?
The majority of CV19 deaths are of old, obese, or unhealthy people. Once they die off, no more spikes.


Bob Iger out at Disney! Replacement is worst possible choice!

Bob Iger has stepped down as Disney CEO effective immediately! This news is absolutely rocking the Entertainment Industry, as well as the Walt Disney Company Stock price! His replacement is former head of Disney Parks, Bob Chapek, who is loved by the Board of Directors for expanding the Disney Theme Parks into China, as well as revitalizing the Disney Cruise Line. But for Disneyphiles, and Disney Employees out there this power change is not for the best!



When this CEO stepped down, it sent shockwaves through the business and entertainment community. It was immediate and unprecedented. It also came after a meeting with a global security firm advising him what to do in regards to the foreign money makers he was forced to shut down. He concluded things were going to hell in a hurry and he didn't want to be associated with the company when it crashed and burned. He will be ready to be its Phoenix though after it is all over. Bob Iger/"Disney"/from January 2 to February 25, as the virus impacted China and Disney shut down its Shanghai and Hong Kong theme parks (In retrospect, Disney’s CEO switch was a decisive act of crisis management)
