MovieChat Forums > Tremors (1990) Discussion > There are now 7 films in this series. . ...

There are now 7 films in this series. . .

I just ran across the latest film while browsing through Redbox today. Apparently it co-stars Napoleon Dynamite.

Who would've guessed in 1990 that Tremors sequels would still be coming out 30 years later? It seems the franchise took an 11 year hiatus from 2004 to 2015 but then was revived.

Of all the sequels, I've only seen A Cold Day in Hell. It wasn't bad for a direct-to-video flick. I'm thinking about watching them all now.


I was surprised by that too. I found the 7 disc set at WalMart and got it for my brother for Christmas.

I had only heard of the first 4.


I'm happy to see it garnered enough of a fandom to have that many movies. I remember seeing the movie's box on rental store shelves for years as a kid (parents would never let me watch it of course), and had always been curious so a friend and I watched all seven recently.

They're awesome goofy monster movies -- it reminded me of the Sharknado movies and I was kind of amazed another such long running movie series started so much earlier.

Opinions vary on the sequels but I think they're all at least worth a watch. IMO the first 3 are the best, 4 is a fun creative twist, and 7 is a good send off to the series.


I'm particularly interested in 4 just because it's a period piece. That seems interesting.

I've still only seen 1 and 6. From your description, it sounds like 7 is supposed to be the last in the series. (Until the inevitable reboot of course.)

There's definitely a place in the world of cinema for films like these. Sometimes I just want to watch something that is dumb fun and that I don't have to pay strict attention to and don't have to dedicate a lot of brain power to keep up with the plot.


4 is still enjoyable for me as a guilty pleasure. Honestly, aside from some really bad acting in the supporting case, it's pretty solid in terms of story and thrills. Plus you have Billy Drago briefly, who has one of my favorite quotes from the entire series. If you enjoyed part 6, then you can't really do much worst at this point. I'd say to watch in order, as 4 turns one of the primary character tropes on its head, so it's more amusing to watch it after completing the original trilogy. 3 and 4 were definitely straight-to-dvd films though. It's crazy how the general quality of that tier of film seems to have dropped? Or maybe there's just a continuum there, and Tremors managed to fall further and further bc everything after 4 is now just syfy-original tier for me.
