B1cKsurN's Replies

A website is not an answer. Monkey https://s15-us2.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=https:%2F%2Fichef.bbci.co.uk%2Fnews%2F660%2Fcpsprodpb%2FE9DF%2Fproduction%2F_96317895_gettyimages-164067218.jpg&sp=4452eaf61fe4ef485c4f434836c3503c Black People https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http:%2F%2Fentertainment.ie%2F%2Fimages_content%2Frectangle%2F620x372%2FBey1.jpg&sp=86061bc279af193f7bbea647a3232085 How about instead of deflecting, answer the question. Why do you think black people look like monkeys? They clearly do not. What exactly does "far-right" even mean to you? Explain. I think it's time to invest in tin foil because you guys are getting crrrrazzzyyyy. I doubt you can afford it. Wow, are you normally this intellectually dishonest? Why do you assume they dont have stock? More projection from you. "1.5 GDP is a fact of life" Yeah that growth didnt start until post election. O'Bama doubled what Bush doubled.....both are idiots. Trump won. McCain, at 81 years old...all these years, and one of his last wishes was "ban trump from my funeral!" What a pathetic loser. $1000 says Trump has 0 mention of John McCain in his farewell address. Dude you need a movie screen and bulb for that projector of yours. Do you always monolith entire groups of people? Or just "trump supporters"? More projection. You project a lot. The same hypocrites defending McCain were the same people bashing him and Palin back in 08. Get over yourselves. Maybe where you live. Its quite beautiful where I live. Its meant to silence you, just ignore name calling. Imagine spending your whole life looking at everything through the lens of race and skin color and nothing else. The same Steve Tyler that convinced a 16 year old groupie's parents to sign him guardianship so he could bang her? That Steve Tyler? Pink's definitely his favorite color...