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A humiliated T-rump will be banned from McCain's honorable funeral ceremonies

As with the April funeral of former First Lady Barbara Bush, the McCain family has let T-rump know he is not welcome at the funeral services for their patriarch Senator John McCain, who passed away on Saturday.

The nation's highest honors will be given to the late Senator, in which his casket will lie in state on Capitol Hill, followed by a 'full dress' funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral. He will be the 13th Senator to receive the honor, reserved for the 'most eminent' citizens in the country. The practice was started in 1852.

Burial will follow with full military honors in the US Naval Academy Cemetery above the Severn River in Annapolis, Maryland — the legacy homeground of the United States Navy — next to best friend and fellow Academy graduate Admiral Chuck Larson.

Former President Barack Obama, who beat McCain in the 2008 Presidential election, will deliver the eulogy at the request of the Republican Senator from Arizona. Former President George W. Bush will also speak at the funeral. It hasn't been decided if President Carter and his wife Roslyn will be able to attend, or if President Clinton and his wife Hillary will be able to attend.

One person notably who will not be in attendance is the current President. When pre-planning his funeral services earlier this year, Senator McCain specifically stated he did not want T-rump attending any of the ceremonies. His family has vowed to uphold his wishes, as they don't want him attending, either.

"McCain's action toward the strikingly unpopular Trump is seen as characteristic of the former US Navy pilot's blunt honesty regarding friends and foes alike," said one journalist. "Americans were quick to note that McCain's choices, even in death, were larger than life.'


I'd bet that during McCain's funeral Trump will predictably be tweeting furiously to take attention away from McCain's memory and Obama's eulogy of McCain because his narcissism would demand nothing less.


Maybe he'll use the time to fuck up another photo-op with children.

Queue a Trump supporter to tell me that Barack Obama thinks there are 57 states.....


T-rump will be going crazy the end of the week. Not only is it McCains funeral but Aretha Franklins, too. Media will be all over both -except Fox. They will stick to covering Hillary’s emails.


I wonder if Melania will attend the funeral.


Senator Whitehouse from my state of RI will be a pallbearer. Very proud of him!


Hah! Well that's cool. I like Sheldon Whitehouse.

My brother went to Brown, so I got to see RI when I attended his graduation. Snug little state. The only real knowledge I have of the place is from what I got watching that series Brotherhood. Have you seen it? Is Rhode Island corruption really like that?


Yes, RI corruption is really like that-and worse. I was just talking about that to a candidate today who was ringing doorbells and stating his case to vote for him and kick out our state senator who’s been in office for 30 years. This new guy has my vote.


Damn! 30 years!

This is exactly why there needs to be strict term limits so we can permanently rid politics of the stench of career politicians corrupt to the bone. Career politicians are highly incentivized to passing laws that enrich themselves.


Trump won. McCain, at 81 years old...all these years, and one of his last wishes was "ban trump from my funeral!" What a pathetic loser. $1000 says Trump has 0 mention of John McCain in his farewell address.


So long as that “ farewell address” is imminent, hell I’ll pay you the grand!!!


I doubt you can afford it.


I’m sure you do. But have him deliver his farewell address before McCain is six feet under, and you shall get the thousand you desperately need.
