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Eastern Germany Hit by Riots after Deadly Stabbing Spree [by migrants]

Germany is influencing US elections! Showing the world what welcoming Fake Refugees leads to.

The fatal stabbing of a German by a group of migrants has triggered riots in the eastern German city of Chemnitz. Several thousand demonstrators took to the streets on Monday night calling for an end to Chancellor Merkel’s open borders policy, media reports say.

Police initially underestimated the public outrage over the killing and was unprepared to handle agitated demonstrators who in their thousands chanted “Merkel must go” and “Close the borders”. “We were shocked by the size of the crowds that passed us by,” Robert Gruner, spokesman for the city of Chemnitz told reporters.

Since Chancellor Merkel opened Germany’s borders to unregulated migration in the spring of 2015, the country has been hit by a wave of violent crimes and Islamist terror attacks carried out by immigrants.


Citing that far right wingnut site legalinsurrection again I see.

What's hilarious is how you think this has any similarity at all to US immigration, where study after study has shown illegals commit LESS crime than the native population.


Village Idiot ALERT! This is about terrorism, not "crime rates"! You are the one who quotes fake news from CNN and WaPo.

LegalInsurection is real news, something LibTards will never understand. They are just repeating Euro news.


Prove it. What fake news quotes did I provide from CNN and WaPO?

I'll wait.

And while you're at it, explain why the assaults that happened in Germany over New Years was "terrorism" and not crime perpetrated by migrants.

This should be really entertaining. Looking forward to watching you try and mount a coherent defense of your inexplicable distinction.

I'm sure you won't, because calling a migrant crime wave of New Years assaults an act of "terrorism" makes absolutely no sense.


What exactly does "far-right" even mean to you? Explain.


Very slowly now. Repeat after me:


A website is not an answer.


Merkel fucked up germany and europe ..... such a traitor to the european people.

why are germans so stupid to elect her over and over. very sad stuff. guess their women loves being raped and groped


The forced suicide of Europe


BTW, this article should burst your little bubble from your extremist LegalInsurrection fantasy.

FYI: Schindler is a hard right Republican, ex-NSA, and national security hawk. No claiming "fake news" for you.
