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Steven Tyler tells Trump to stop using his music.


Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler is demanding President Donald Trump stop using the band’s songs at rallies, like the one held at the Charleston Civic Center in West Virginia on Tuesday (August 21). The band’s 1993 hit “Livin’ on the Edge” was played as Trump devotees entered the venue, which has a capacity of 13,500. Tyler has in turn sent a “cease and desist” letter through his attorney Dina LaPolt to the White House accusing the President of willful infringement in broadcasting the song, which was written by Tyler, Joe Perry, Mark Hudson.

Citing the Lanham Act, which prohibits “any false designation or misleading description or representation of fact … likely to cause confusion … as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such person with another person,” Tyler’s attorney contends that playing an Aerosmith song in a public arena gives the false impression that Tyler is endorsing Trump’s presidency.

The matter has come up previously with another Aerosmith song, “Dream On,” which Trump used during his 2015 election campaign. Following a similar letter stating, “Trump for President needs our client’s express written permission in order to use his music” and that the campaign “was violating Mr. Tyler’s copyright,” BMI drove the point home and pulled the public performance rights for the song. Public performance rights for “Livin’ on the Edge” are administered by ASCAP.

During the rally, President Trump spoke about immigration, trade and politics, peppered with his usual banter about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Earlier in the day, Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime former personal attorney, pleaded guilty to eight criminal counts in federal court on Tuesday, including campaign finance violations related to payments made to women who claim to have had affairs with Trump.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was also found guilty Tuesday on eight of 18 counts in his federal trial over fraud charges. The case involved work Manafort did on behalf of a pro-Russian government in Ukraine. Shortly after the verdicts were announced, President Trump told reporters: “I feel badly for Paul Manafort” and called him “a good man.”

Read portions of Tyler’s letter to the White House below:

It has come to our attention that President Donald J. Trump and/or The Trump Organization
(collectively, “Mr. Trump”) have been using our client’s song “Livin’ On The Edge” in
connection with political rally events (the “Rallies”), including at an event held yesterday at the
Charleston Civic Center in Charleston, West Virginia on August 21, 2018. As expressly outlined
in the Previous Letters, Mr. Trump does not have our client’s permission to use any of our
client’s music, including “Livin’ On The Edge”.

What makes this violation even more egregious is that Mr. Trump’s use of our client’s music
was previously shut down, not once, but two times, during his campaign for presidency in 2015.
Please see the Previous Letters sent on behalf of our client attached here as Exhibit A. Due to
your receipt of the Previous Letters, such conduct is clearly willful, subjecting Mr. Trump to the
maximum penalty under the law.

As we have made clear numerous times, Mr. Trump is creating the false impression that our
client has given his consent for the use of his music, and even that he endorses the presidency of
Mr. Trump. By using “Livin’ On The Edge” without our client’s permission, Mr. Trump is
falsely implying that our client, once again, endorses his campaign and/or his presidency, as
evidenced by actual confusion seen from the reactions of our client’s fans all over social media.
This specifically violates Section 43 of the Lanham Act, as it “is likely to cause confusion, or to
cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such person with
another person.”

Further, as we have also made clear, Mr. Trump needs our client’s express written permission in
order to use his music. We demanded Mr. Tyler’s public performance societies terminate their
licenses with you in 2015 in connection with “Dream On” and any other musical compositions
written or co-written by Mr. Tyler. As such, we are unaware of any remaining public
performance license still in existence which grants Mr. Trump the right use his music in
connection with the Rallies or any other purpose. If Mr. Trump has any such license, please
forward it to our attention immediately.

In addition, Mr. Tyler’s voice is easily recognizable and central to his identity, and any use
thereof wrongfully misappropriates his rights of publicity. Mr. Trump does not have any right to
use the name, image, voice or likeness of our client, without his express written permission.

Predictably, the knuckle draggers who worship Cheeto Hitler are already bashing Tyler, condemning his--


--music and calling him a "has-been".

The cultist Trumpanzees would probably turn on their own children for hating Trump. Hell, I'm sure that's happened already.




I'm sure Steven Tyler couldn't care less about Trump cultists bashing him.

I saw Tyler on Rogan a few months back. He was explaining how he had to sue Trump in 2015 to get him to stop playing his shit during his campaign. He actually knew him, his personal assistant had previously worked for Melania for years and he'd explained how he'd done gigs for Trump at mar-a-lago. He told Donald to his face he had to stop using his songs during his campaign.

Trump blew him off and did anyway, so he had to sue him to get him to stop.

Then he got this letter from Trump telling Tyler he decided to stop using his songs on his own because he found a better song by Kid Rock. Vintage Trump.

And now he's back at it doing it again. Can't think of a more giant asshole on this planet than Donald. He'd make the all-time asshole list easily.


Apparently Trump supporters don't write good music.


Terrible. Kid Rock sucks big time.

Nor was Tyler alone. Neil Young, a Bernie supporter, and Brian May of Queen also had to pursue legal action against him for using their songs without permission.

He just does whatever and forces the artist to spend money suing him through his legal team.


I just heard Kid Rock for the first time. You're right. Too mellow. Boring. And that autotune song is atrocious. And no way is Trump playing supporters Loretta Lynn and Wayne Newton music. Ted Nugent isn't main stream enough.

I guess Trump's stuck playing music from people who don't like him.

Perfect song for Trump and it's catchy:


Kid Rock are Trump supporters? Well, good. I've always hated their music and now I have more of a reason to hate them. :)


That behavior seems to appeal to a certain kind of conservative.


Yeah, the white hood-wearing kind.


It absolutely amazes me that millions of people love, admire and respect this asshole. He's a bully and so many people love that behavior of his and even claim he's a good role model for their children. Apparently, there a lot more sick, depraved Americans in our country that I ever could have imagined. There is nothing to admire or respect in a bully. NOTHING.


The same Steve Tyler that convinced a 16 year old groupie's parents to sign him guardianship so he could bang her? That Steve Tyler? Pink's definitely his favorite color...


He's no role model, but then again, he's a rock star and no one expects him to be. No one voted for him.

On the other hand, the president you support is known for barging in on nude Miss Teen USA contestants in their dressing rooms reported by 5 contestants to Buzzfeed and bragged about in an interview with Howard Stern in 2005.

Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere. And I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting, I want to make sure that everything is good.

You know, the dresses. ‘Is everyone okay?’ You know, they're standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody okay?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good.

So what's your excuse?


Could you imagine if that were Obama, how they'd be ranting that he is morally unfit to be president?


The level of hypocrisy is sickening. That's why it's good to call it out every time it's seen.

Just the complete lack of awareness from B1cKsurN that he'd criticize a rock star for this behavior while blindly supporting a president who shamelessly engages in similar behavior pretty much says it all.


He even got the rock star wrong. I'm pretty sure its arch conservative Ted Nugent he's thinking of. Pele Massa was 17 when Ted Nugent became her legal guardian.


Are you sure you're not confusing him with Ted Nugent?

I know Ted Nugent did something like that, according to his behind the music episode, anyway.


This sounds like a dressed up version of the usual Trumper trope: "Well, such and such did bad things so they don't have a right to bash Trump!".

No matter WHAT Tyler ever did it doesn't somehow make his opinion of Trump wrong just because he himself is no saint.

You Trumpers and your "Whataboutisms".


Good thing Steven Tyler isn't selling wedding cakes or he'd be the one on trial.

Liberals hate it when mom and pop intrude on their corporate power, but love it when googleapplefscebook abuse the masses.


Look everyone! It still posts to me, hoping I will regard it as a person worthy of debating with! *Pats head* Good boy! Go fetch! *Throws MAGA frisby*

Dumbass...LOL! XD
