B1cKsurN's Replies

That's not what it means. Disagree. People are inherently tribalistic...but not everyone is a zealot for their tribe. <blockquote>The world is a cult community today.</blockquote> Yeah, no.. I share nothing in community or value with sub-saharan cannibals. Or European communists. Or Middle Eastern Islamists. Woke is clearly defined. It's literally a new religion. Agree on Privilege. He hasn't proven anything, therefore I need not 'disprove' anything. I have already made my points to be countered...several times actually. In fact...I <b>started</b> this call for a debate...and everyone has been too much of a pussy to participate. https://moviechat.org/bd0000082/Politics/65d1508623079d7ec6cd6d6e/Signs-youre-in-a-cult#65d1f43d23079d7ec6cd7749 https://moviechat.org/bd0000082/Politics/64e98b4fcc7d286e4a3308b7/Telltale-signs-youre-in-a-cult?reply=64f0ae1d55e301227199ab02&animate=false <blockquote>The worst part is, the people involved don't even realize just how badly they've been brainwashed.</blockquote> Seriously... He calls everyone in a cult while creating posts about Donald Trump 4+ times per day... it's fucking laughable. Yup. I've officially stopped caring about Robo's posts because he has literally no ability to debate. The insults, sophistry, and internet scripture is just too much to care about. I read none of this. I care about none of it. Neither do the rest of the posters here not named you, Skavau, or Kee-WantstheD-lai. Okay, use your words. Explain your comment to the rest of the class. Define "AntiSemite" Unnamed share and stake holders always seem to escape the spotlight with this crap...why is that? You can try to actively subdue it, but bias is inherent in all humans. We all have it to some degree. Oh man, so you have to razor shave daily? Tell him you talk to someone online that's almost 50 and I'm worried that I'm going to be drafted due to my being in really good physical shape. If they are desperate, I <b>will</b> be drafted. I finally understand why you rely on personal attacks, ad hominem insults, and internet scripture. When it comes to an actual thought out discussion... you ain't got shit, Homie. Zero arguments, zero credibility. In fact, I have literally no reason to care about any of your drivel now. ✌ So you're saying it's time to make my mortgage disappear? This is why they wont release the TN Shooter's Manifesto... It means they are losing Bigly. It's all political spaghetti to find something that sticks... They still work in the minds of Maskurbaters... the ones that still drive with them on, alone, with windows up. The N95's requirements to be even remotely effective(it's not) to a virus particle are so ridiculous, no human being could follow it properly without a 12-pack of masks on them for every few hours they are awake. I've had a couple of friends wrongfully incarcerated by Joe Biden's 90s crime bill. Due to having a record, they were unable to find decent work, and were in and out of jail before meeting their end with gang violence. Sad.