B1cKsurN's Replies

So they are going to try and make it illegal to say Israel is committing genocide... ...while they commit genocide? Okay. Am I actually going to live to see the day where our fucking First Amendment get superseded by another fucking country??? What in the ever loving fuck timeline am I living in? It's also unconstitutional AF and if the Senate and SCOTUS uphold this... the veil has been lifted, we are a Banana Republic of Israel. Look at you playing both sides... That's pretty based, Babe. The Jews and the Romans were great tag-team partners in the murder of Jesus. I mean, this very concept has been included in the unconstitutional antiSemitism bill. <blockquote>Such as respecting the election process and results and not trying to overturn our democracy</blockquote> Death total is up to 20 million... In other news... Lex Luthor's feud with General Zod has been heating up in recent weeks. SuperMan was available for comment and had this to say... "Why would I interfere? If one bad guy kills the other...then I only have 1 bad guy left to deal with..." Ooof They can try and pass it but will be shot down by SCOTUS as it violates 1A. If they uphold it, we know for sure 100% without a doubt the US is <b>owned</b> by Israel. It won't be a meme anymore. Trump going to jail doesn't DQ him. He'll be running the country from the slammer. He could win the Black vote overnight campaigning in a jumpsuit. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Animals will be mass murdered no matter what everyday so we can eat. It's called the food-chain, Bro. And we are at the top. I remember when Brutus the Barber Beefcake had a feud with Ted DiBiase and no one cared. Christ is King of Kings. <blockquote>Fucking Retard!</blockquote> Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid? The money starts with George Soros, and filters it's way down... It's a club, and you aren't in it. Also, our awesome government is about to sign away our national sovereignty over to the WHO this month... We should probably call our congress people, but I don't think it's going to matter. All the pieces are lining up for the steal. I'm not complying this time.. I'd prefer to die of the virus. Lockdown life is not worth living. Gen Z and Gen Alpha woke up from their TDS and realized they are fucked if Democrats remain in power. It started with the electing of Joe Biden. O'Bama/Biden policy has led to the first "Rich, White Segregated Town" of St. George, LA. Just won their lawsuit. The precedent has now been set. Good Job, Joe!