B1cKsurN's Replies

The Dems becoming Nazi Germany would be pretty simple... Don't pick a Hitler that's a coke head 🤣🤣🤣 Examples of recent Mass Formation Psychosis... 2014... New England Patriots "DeflateGate" scandal... 2015... The Blue/Black, White/Gold dress debate 2016-2019... Trump Derangement Syndrome hits 2020... Covid "We're all in this together" and Mask Cult 2021... VaccineMania 2022... "I STAND WITH UKRAINE!" 2023-Now... "FREE PALISTINE!!!" No, you have to explain why you think all this... you can't just say "Check" lol Please provide examples/evidence, so we can cross examine them. They'll be watering the crops with Gatorade, CHAZ style. TikTok isn't going anywhere. This is/was and still will be about laundering our taxes to wars for Israel. Yup. Him and Godwin choked on the Kool-Aid lol. I'm kinda upset, because as much as I want to keep the pressure on with the cult debate....the reference to which I created my argument is tainted. But yeah, they managed to make "cult" pretty meaningless now. The most hilarious thing about Idiocracy is that Mike Judge thought it would take 500 years to get to that point. We will be there in our lifetimes. The public schools have failed... people will be too concerned with gender and not running water or electricity. I didn't read any of that... Don't you have something about Trump to post? It's only been 3 today... I know you have a 4th one in you before midnight. Nope, that's projection created by YOU. 1 has proven my point... who's next? Signs you're in a cult: 1. You post about Donald Trump multiple times a day...every day. 2. See no.1 Yup, it screams of FAKE!!! It's a trap! People like to use words as magic spells to cover their actions....even when those actions are just as evil as the ones they supposedly fight against. That's usually what gets said when a movie sucks. It's not about who is telling the most truth, its the most truths you can corroborate from as many sources as possible. If I read something from MSM...let's say CNN. Then I proceed to see the complete opposite in the form of articles, X posts, videos, eyewitness accounts, etc... What am I supposed to believe? 1 article from a corrupt system that considers themselves a branch of the government, or a metric fuckton of proofs from everywhere else? MOSSAD threatening them all with facial recognition software, and blackballing... https://twitter.com/MOSSADil/status/1782453799757504683 Also... The Red Scare was justified, and McCarthy was 100% correct. We were stupid for not listening to him. For dudes, its the thick black glasses and that bugman beard they all grow. Usually with a skinny-fat physique of some sort. Lmao 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Biden's Banana Admin will do anything to remain in power... They have successfully transformed America into a Banana Republic. No, the AI is trained by political zealot programmers to look for what they assume is a trait of political affliction. AI is biased. Biased algorithms created by biased developers.