B1cKsurN's Replies

Trump in 2020: "Elect Joe Biden, and you won't even have a country anymore..." Trump was right as usual. They are really fucking over Gen Z and Gen Alpha with this bullshit. Those poor kids are never going to have a family or own a home. The migrants will be squatting in them all. I know what he is talking about... do you really not know, or are you being purposefully obtuse? Almost all the people they have arrested aren't even students.... they are paid agitators, as per usual with their ilk. Doesn't matter... MAGA is an idea, you can't witch hunt an idea. <blockquote>you obsessive freaks</blockquote> You should be very careful using such terms. Who are they? Vote farm for the 18-29 crowd. They will never fully legalize it due to that. I'm sure there's much more than just this. Witness Protection Program. You know who really loves Joe Biden now? Jimmy Carter. Ol'Jim can now die knowing he is no longer the worst president in recent memory. What's an "anti-vaxxer" in 2024? You're right, it's actually <b>TERRORISM</b> What's the list? The House of Obsessed Trolls. I only reply to his replies. I never actually respond to him with my own doing. Taxing the people on what they have is one thing... But trying to tax things that yet don't exist is insane, and downright criminal. What about it? Taxing people on things, and people not being net-income tax-payers are 2 different concepts. Most people are not net-income tax payers. They give the government a loan, and get it back in the form of a return. If you get a return, you didn't actually pay taxes...this not a hard concept, but IS a different concept to this post. You can tax me on something tangible, but if I'm being taxed on something intangible that doesn't exist, we have a huge fucking problem. That problem being representation....we kinda fought a war over that. Woodrow Wilson is dead. The damage goes way further back than Biden. BDS post. Why would I lie about protesters? 🙄🙄🙄 There's a Naval contractor near my place and they have been outside dressed in Grim Reaper costumes lol. OY VEY!