MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is this a self hating Jew?

Is this a self hating Jew?

Interesting video !


Maybe just a guy who isn't down with the mass killing of children.


I watched videos of very young Israeli kids, as young as 8, cheer the deaths of Palestinian babies and kids.

I needed to know the reason.

I found out that Israeli children are shown photos of the Holocaust starting in early elementary school. They're told that the Palestinians can and want to do the same thing to them. Palestinians are stereotyped in school books.

The Jewish Bible is treated as a history book in schools and by many scholars rather than a religious book. It's used to justify the ethnic cleansing and mistreatment of Palestinians.

Palestinians, even in Israel, are not allowed to demonstrate nor travel freely, can be evicted from their home which is given to Jews, cannot have relatives immigrate, cannot visit West Bank or Gaza where relatives live without losing more rights, can be arrested and held indefinitely without any charges, can be killed without any justice, can lose their job based on religion, etc...

Political scientist Norman Finkelstein is correct when he states there is something seriously wrong within Israel where Palestinians are almost completely dehumanized by the vast majority and separate laws exist based solely on religion which privilege only Jews.

He says hope lies outside of Israel with American Jews who voice concern over war crimes and human rights violations.


At the same time, Palestinian television - al-Aqsa's "Pioneers" children show - has broadcast shows in which knock-off Mickey Mouses and furry rabbits tell the local kids to expel the Jews and urges young kids to martyr themselves.

We don't want any of these people bringing their pathologies to our shores, nor do we want to be involved in their bronze age feud over there.


Do you have a link, youtube video or torrent ?


I found it.

Palestinians aren't allowed to discuss their oppression, express any desire for justice or liberation nor have a Muslim point of view or they're criticized for being anti-Semitic or anti-Western.

The show dealt with hard realities that Palestinian kids witness or live like homes being demolished, kids being bombed and anger. Why wouldn't they want an invader to leave?

Israel jammed the broadcast. So much for their "democracy".

Tomorrow's Pioneers


It used costumed characters, no different than those at an amusement park, to inculcate violent hatred of Israelis among extremely young Palestinians. Why are you OK with that? What a dark soul you must have to excuse the exploitation of those innocent souls.

This is why I don't want to support the savages on either side of this conflict, nor do I want them to live among my people.


Nonsense! It was a kiddie show about the everyday lives of Palestinian children living under an extremely oppressive colonialist regime that wants them dead in order to steal their land.

Are you aware that an Israeli precision-guided missile was directed at young children in a playground in Gaza killing 11 of them? You believe the surviving kids who watched their friends blown-up shouldn't be allowed to express their grief, anguish or anger nor criticize Israel!

Israel referred to the dead children as "collateral damage".

Update: The little boy bleeding from the brain died yesterday.

Israel attacks and censors ALL criticism of its genocide including Americans like former President Jimmy Carter who brokered a peace deal between Egypt and Israel. They literally arrest and fire Israelis who ask for compassion toward Palestinian children.

Meanwhile, Israel's public schools indoctrinate their children against Palestinians:
"Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education" by Nurit Peled-Elhanan

It's not a conflict! Palestinians have lived in that area for thousands of years. At first, they welcomed European Jews and taught them farming until they realized the Europeans wanted to steal their land and ethnic-cleanse them from it. Peasants against Europeans militarily supported by world power Britain and then the U.S. isn't a conflict. It's a one-sided slaughter.

Educate yourself. Read!

Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappé
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History by Nur-eldeen Masalha
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Paperback by Ilan Pappe



Looks like jewish propaganda !


Thing is, both sides do this. Any right-wing side does these kind of indoctrinations. Goes with the nationalistic thinking. When you're nationalistic you think you're the best and everyone else sucks so you exert imperialistic ambitions on others. It has always been like this. The left have their own sort of crazy but you get the idea, everything in moderation.


I remember when Brutus the Barber Beefcake had a feud with Ted DiBiase and no one cared.


Nobody cared about any feud Ed Leslie had during the entirety of his career!
