B1cKsurN's Replies

Yup, they are afraid that what they want to do to others, will be done on to them! No they won't. Yup, coupled with the "Vote Blue No Matter Who" psy-op and you have a left-wing government of the retards, by the retards, and for the retards. Good thing the Covid Shot has turned cancer into Turbo Cancer. Have you heard of the new woke Chef Boyardee meal in a can? It's called LGBs & 41Ts! I was upheld in a court of law... that's even crazier! 100% of Democrats Believe 2016 was hacked by Russia. Japan needs to tell Brandon to get fucked. Yes, yes....ACAB except that one cop at the Capitol... we know, we know. Yes, yes....ACAB except that one cop at the Capitol... we know, we know. You're aware that the ignore feature removes potentially tons of replies to ignored users that you never see, correct? How many years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? Just. Fucking. Stop. There's a metric fuck-ton more of us now, and we're itchin' to cast that vote. Without evidence? Well yeah, baseless accusations are baseless accusations. What is the origin of it? This thread is hilarious. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 My favorite part is the Bot Algorithm analysis! No, this is about you... How is it you think you can condemn Israel for genocide, but at the same time try and call others antisemites? You can't have it both ways, Hun. Not at the expense of our God-given rights. <blockquote>then what?</blockquote> War. These are the pesky inconvenient truths of slavery they desperately try to ide from public knowledge. Great post, Goy! My noticing is off the charts lately. Do you think (((they))) will try to change the definition of "noticing"?