MovieChat Forums > Politics > Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N...

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1)

The USDA is ordering dairy producers to test cows for infections of the HIGHLY DEADLY ‘Bird Flu’ before they are transported following the discovery of the virus IN SAMPLES OF PASTEURIZED MILK


April 1, 2024—A person in the United States has tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus (“H5N1 bird flu”), as reported by Texas and confirmed by CDC. This person had exposure to dairy cattle in Texas presumed to be infected with HPAI A(H5N1) viruses. The patient reported eye redness (consistent with conjunctivitis), as their only symptom, and is recovering. The patient was told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral drug for flu. This infection does not change the H5N1 bird flu human health risk assessment for the U.S. general public, which CDC considers to be low. However, people with close or prolonged, unprotected exposures to infected birds or other animals (including livestock), or to environments contaminated by infected birds or other animals, are at greater risk of infection. CDC has interim recommendations for prevention, monitoring, and public health investigations of HPAI A(H5N1) viruses.


Also, our awesome government is about to sign away our national sovereignty over to the WHO this month...

We should probably call our congress people, but I don't think it's going to matter.

All the pieces are lining up for the steal. I'm not complying this time.. I'd prefer to die of the virus. Lockdown life is not worth living.


Notice how steps are being taken to warn and contain it. Trump would've fired the CDC doctors and allowed it to spread creating another worldwide pandemic like he did with covid when he removed American doctors from China shortly before covid first appeared.


Trump probably would have also allowed thousands of children to get murdered with US weapons.

Oh wait, I'm thinking about that other guy. My bad.


Thousands of American children are murdered with U.S. weapons! Guns are the #1 cause of death for American kids. Thanks, Trump & Repugnicans!


Father Biden and Mama-la Harris will save you.


I'm just pointing out that your previous comment was incorrect. You're welcome!


Why do you support Hamas?


Why do you support ethnic-cleansing and genocide?

Why do you support American children being killed with firearms?


So you support the IDF? Okay got it, I was a little confused there.


You're more than a little confused.


But I do know killing children is wrong. At least I know that.


"Thousands of American children are murdered with U.S. weapons! Guns are the #1 cause of death for American kids. Thanks, Trump & Repugnicans!"


Your disconnected is good for a laugh - pity it involves such a dire topic.


He removed American doctors from China shortly before covid first appeared, and that allowed a highly contagious, novel respiratory virus to spread around the world? Do you even listen to yourself?


American doctors who served as part of an early alert system for any probable pandemic from China in order to immediately effect measures to contain it similar to actions done previously with other viruses.

Furthermore, your cult leader refused to follow the Pandemic Playbook which was left by two former presidents which allowed the virus to kill an extra 500,000 Americans.

Your ignorance is on full display.


And had this distant early warning been in place, what what have been done differently to contain it? I mean, apart from what we wound up doing anyway, i.e. closing down 90% of society. The United States locked down at exactly the same time the rest of the Western world did, so if Trump did it wrong (and he certainly did, just not in the way that you're thinking) then every other Western leader was wrong.


System was in place to prevent Ebola from spreading outside one small region in Africa. And it worked!!!!!!

Did you inject disinfectant like Trump told you?

"US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies

461,000 fewer Americans would have died in 2018."

Thanks Trump.


so if Trump did it wrong (and he certainly did

Wrong; Trump did things correctly, for proof, go and read his executive orders, particularly about the pandemic.

Birx and Pence countermanded Trump’s orders.

Those orders originated from the fourth ‘unofficial branch’ that has always had the power to supersede any presidential and executive orders.


Another fake plandemic just in time for the next election.

It's like deja vu all over again. Instead of the BLM protests, it's the 'college protests' in the same month as in 2020.

Now they need a victim and another patsy.
