pinkled5's Replies

"Disney knows they can just slap the Star Wars lable on any piece of crap movie they churn out and they'll still make money." They are appealing to the masses. It's like pop music. Little artistic value but mass appeal. --------------------------------- I liked Rogue One and I thought The Force Awakens was good..I so disliked The Last Jedi --------------------------------- I'm the exact opposite. I despised TFA and found R1 disappointing overall. But I loved TLJ, despite (or in spite of) the useless Finn/Rose subplot. I also had no plans to see Solo but I got free tickets for me and my 2 kids, so there's no point in not going. Besides, my son is super excited about it so at least he gets to see it now. Critics - 38% Audience - 65% It's a Star Wars movie. As long as it has light sabers and space ships half the audience will be thrilled. P.S. I love Star Wars and hope I'm wrong Won't flop no matter how bad it is. People will pay to see bad movies if it's in a universe they adore. That's how movies like Batman v. Superman can make so much money despite being universally panned. Hmmm, I don't really consider Dusk 'til Dawn a vampire movie. It's more of a crime movie with a vampire twist. At any rate, I think Blade 2 is one of the best vampire movies ever made. I got the reference but never saw the movie. We did have the Flashdance song for our player piano, though. *What a feeling!* No, I don't think it will be good. When the director left over "creative differences" it means that Ryan Reynolds was left unchecked. He has the capacity for brilliance but I think he needs a regulator, and Tim Miller was great at that in Deadpool 1. This is all conjecture of course, and I hope I'm proven wrong, but I'm afraid I won't be. you should BLOCK me. ^^^^^ Why would anyone block you? Your posts are hilarious! I almost want a tub of popcorn when I start to read your book length descriptions of how amazing you are. Always good for a laugh. He did have the power stone when he beat the Hulk, let's not forget that. Well, *YOU* probably would keep your cool in that situation. Starlord, on the other hand, has been written as an impetuous, fly by the seat of your pants hero who shoots first and asks questions later. But everyone's suspension of disbelief breaks at different points. Honestly, the best opportunities for drama and conflict might have been snuffed out with the disappearing Avengers. For example, making Starlord have to face up to his actions and live with the consequences of his decisions would be interesting. Also, the drama between Stark and Strange over Strange's decision could've been excellent. A surge of intense emotion can override logic and make people act in strange ways. For example, when I was a teenager we saw a kid fall off the edge of a gravel pit while driving. My step dad drove over there and as it turns out he was seriously injured. My step dad told my mom to go to the business next door and call 911 (pre-cell phone era). My mom actually started running toward the street. She got about 40 feet before she realized she should have taken the car and came running back. It's a simple logic problem that could be solved by a 5 year old. Take the car, it's faster. But under the duress of powerful emotions our logic processing centers are in many ways compromised. Emotions have a way of making someone lose control. Love, in particular, makes people do dumb things and act stupid, and here it was mixed with shock, grief, sadness, anger, and hatred. Thus, Starlord's actions did not break my suspension of disbelief. I don't think Vision had the power to destroy the mind stone. Fail. As with Homecoming, I wanna see Spider-Man, not Peter Parker as Iron Man lite. True, but you miss an important caveat. What sacrifices will be made and what will the heroes have to go through to undo this mess? You're absolutely right. My response was mean spirited and uncalled for. Please accept my apology. Winner winner, chicken dinner! :D Also, in the comics I believe that Deadpool was also in love with Death and I think Thanos, out of jealousy, used the power of the glove to grant Deadpool immortality so he could never be with Death. What if Gamora was in the soul gem?