pinkled5's Replies

Yeah, I was thinking, 'Is this Avengers or Left Behind?' :P Still loved it though. It seems that a lot of people's debating and reading comprehension skills can suck the fun out of what should otherwise be a good debate. :sigh: If "the universe is infinite" undermines the plot, then why did Thanos' own planet die of overpopulation? Also, the earth itself could arguably suffer the same fate. Additionaly, it was intimated that Gemora's planet, and possibly countless others, were on the brink of overpopulation. Well, to be fair, it was the Mind Stone that was destroyed by a hero who has the power to control minds. Does any hero have the power to control time (without using the Time Stone itself)? I don't think so, so perhaps destroying the Time Stone wasn't a real option. [quote]I like Thanos-the-zealot more than Thanks doing it all to impress some chick.[/quote] Are you referring to his affection for Death in the comics storyline? That wasn't Hugo Weaving? I thought it sounded just like Agent Smith, actually. He was a well developed villain, something that we don't often get in movies of this kind. One thing I can't stand is a bad guy's only motivation being "because this movie needs a villain." Ultron fit that bill. However, I could understand Thanos' motivations, even if I disagreed with him. A well written villain truly believes they are the hero of their own story. I also liked how he had his own twisted sense of honor and respect for his adversaries. He was great to watch. I wasn't arguing that it didn't have a plot, I was just stating that it wasn't developed in the way that I enjoy the most. I really enjoyed this movie, which surprised me, cuz as a fan of character development and character interaction I thought it would have waaaay too many characters to do those things justice. But it excelled at this. My biggest complaint is the plot. I like plots that build and thicken and culminate, but this didn't do that for me, at least not in the way that I like. I would rate the first Avengers and The Winter Soldier higher than this one, but I really enjoyed this movie. Being a rehash was the least of its problems. Every time I see Finn going toe to toe with Kylo Ren, blocking his saber strikes, etc., I get sick to my stomach. Or watching Rey use Jedi mind tricks without a lick of training. That movie turned the force into a joke and as far as I'm concerned it doesn't exist, I'm striking it from the canon. That's how much I hate it. Just wait, as soon as an edit appears that removes (among other things) the useless Rose/Finn sub plot we're all gonna be labeled as racists. T2 was a straight up action film, but the original Terminator is a slasher flick disguised in sci-fi clothing. This site says it best: [url][/url] Best review I've seen on the interwebs: [quote]There's a fantastic 90 minute movie in THE LAST JEDI anchored by raw emotion, thrilling action, and some beautiful story beats. Unfortunately it's trapped in a 150 minute movie.[/quote] [url][/url] How the hell did you... Nevermind. I've disliked every Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi, which I'm old enough to have seen in theaters. I really liked The Last Jedi. This review expressed exactly how I feel: [quote]There's a fantastic 90 minute movie in THE LAST JEDI anchored by raw emotion, thrilling action, and some beautiful story beats. Unfortunately it's trapped in a 150 minute movie.[/quote] [url][/url] I saw it a second time too but I don't think I can say I liked it more. It was close, but the surprises of the first viewing were just too good. I would rather have Rian Johnson than Jar Jar Abrams any day. Luke was amazing, imo. I thought this movie promoted him from awesome to legendary. Flying through the planets shields in hyperspace was beyond stupid. Just one of the many reasons I'm gonna pretend The Force Awakens doesn't even exist. I was fine with it. I thought it conveyed exactly how Luke felt about the whole affair.