
Why copy Flashdance?


Why not?


No one messes with Flashdance


That's why Deadpool has to!

It's being untouched (Save for a Flight of the Conchords scene) stands as a symbol of oppression.

Down with the dancriarchy!


Robert Webb messed with Flashdance , now i cant watch the film.



Interesting... never knew it was a reference to this movie. Whelp, time to add it to the 'to watch' list.

Cabaret also had a chair dance scene.


I got the reference but never saw the movie. We did have the Flashdance song for our player piano, though. *What a feeling!*


Because this is Deadpool. And it’s more like a parody.

Poking fun+referencing movies and all of pop culture defines Deadpool. The Flashdance-inspired poster (fabulous!) is just the kind of thing any fan should expect to see from this character.


Good explanation, but it’s pop culture from 1983. Were any Deadpool vans even born yet?


Ooh. Well, Deadpool’s #1 fan, Ryan Reynolds, was. And considering the character was introduced in 1991 and was kinda out there, I’m sure people born well before ‘83 have been fans of Deadpool for years.

Young or old, any fan will appreciate this poster.


"referencing movies and all of pop culture defines Deadpool"

It also defines the real sh1te at the bottom of IMDB. the 1.5 / 10 stuff , e.g. Meet the Spartans, The {blank} Movie etc etc
Its a slippery slope Deadpools on!


Yeah, but you know, there’s huge a difference in quality between that spoof garbage and Deadpool. Some perhaps can’t see it, but fact of the matter is the the big red body condom wearing, killing machine, merc with a mouth that is Deadpool has a pretty damn good reputation on screen.

And also worth noting, parodying and excessively referencing pop culture isn’t exclusive to abysmal spoof movies. Deadpool and various other - good - movies, shows, books, etc., pull this off with great results.


Because Dirty Dancing was already copied by Crazy Stupid Love.
