Am I the only one? (Spoilers)

Who thinks the next one is gonna suck? They’re going to reacquire the time stone to go back in time or wave some kind of magic wand to bring everyone back. This will rob the emotional impact of the finale. That’s why people stopped reading comics. People got tired of reading a character died and they’re back two issues later. Don’t get me wrong, I loved this movie. I just don’t like how it sets A4 up. Its almost like it would be better if they didn’t make a sequel.


If they bring them all back, it sucks because it's cheap. If they don't bring them back, then it sucks because it feels sour.

That's why I don't like these cliffhanger endings, and even less these Part 1/Part 2 splits. It's cheap. The first part has to be a downer so that the second part can feel even more satisfying than it normally would.

Then again, what could they have done differently? They tried sticking to the formula in Ultron and it just felt more of the same.


well, i think a large part of my own reaction will hinge upon the sacrifice that will be required to bring the others back. i think the expectation is that at least one, maybe two of the original recipe avengers will sacrifice themselves to bring the others back. if that's more or less what happens, and it's done well (& i think aiw was done very well, odd quibble aside) then i think 4 is worth getting excited over.


Those that didn’t think too highly of this film to begin with (that’s not including the miserable Marvel/MCU haters who post here on a regular basis like the Nazi blockheads that they are) will “plausibly” not be on board for the next one. So no, you’re not the only one.

And people ceased to read the comics? Strange, it’s a billion dollar industry that remains more popular than ever (the MCU can take some of that credit). Good stories attract. And no, I totally get it. The ending will mean nothing to many if nearly all of those who disappeared are brought back. But, for me personally, the emotional impact of IW’s ending won’t be lost in as long as they can deliver a strong film with intrigue arcs and twists. Also not for nothing, but I can’t remeber the last time a huge CBM blockbuster killed more than half of its superheroes which audiences grew to love (nope, not even the most “hardcore” DC movie). Therefore, if the following film brings back most of them, then I welcome it. It depends on the stakes, outcome, and above all the way they can make it all work.

As it is, I expect *most* of the heroes to return and I take zero issue with that. Besides, it isn’t 100% certain if they all did die or simply didn’t vanish to another world (you never now). Whatever Avengers 4 reverses, I think the sequel is in quite good hands. I’m super excited for it.


I saw it yesterday (Sat.PM, May 5, 2018, btw happy Cinco De Mayo Saturday by the way), and loved it! Also nice seein' Rocket Raccoon from "Guardians of the Galazy" back, all Marvel stars from screen, even SPIDER-MAN!!! (And Stan Lee as always..not spoilin')


Well OF COURSE most of the major characters who died are going to come back to life, half of them have sequels in production so it's a done deal. The only question is whether Marvel is going to bring them back in a fashion that's clever, entertaining, spectacular, and involving hot men in spandex!

I hope Marvel doesn't screw it all up, but I think the odds are good that they will. They're tying the "Ant Man" sequel and the "Captain Marvel" film directly into this story, when they ought to be making stand-alone films like "Black Panther" that bring in new audiences. Instead, they're requiring that everyone see all the previous Marvel films to understand what's going on, which both prevents new people from coming in and makes films less coherent on their own. I don't know if this overarching "Infinity War" strategy is a good one, it may be their downfall.


Honestly, the best opportunities for drama and conflict might have been snuffed out with the disappearing Avengers. For example, making Starlord have to face up to his actions and live with the consequences of his decisions would be interesting. Also, the drama between Stark and Strange over Strange's decision could've been excellent.
