MovieChat Forums > From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Discussion > Probably the second best vampire film......

Probably the second best vampire film....

Interview with a vampire being the first.....agree?
Where to now Kessler?.....Ducks Breath!


The 2 best vampire movies are both TV movies

1) The Night Stalker (1972) and

2) Salem's Lot (1979).


No. Vampires (1998) is the best vampire movie.

There's something wrong with Esther.


I'm not a huge fan of the Vampire genre, but there are a few I've really liked. Interview With A Vampire is probably my favorite, but I also really liked The Lost Boys, Fright Night, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Dusk Till Dawn, and I'd throw in John Carpenter's Vampires as an honorable mention. The movie is not amazing, and unfortunately costars arguably the worst Baldwin, Daniel. It's a toss up between Daniel and Stephen for title as Worst Baldwin Brother. So I had to take a point or 2 off because of Daniel, but James Woods is awesome in it which helps make up for Baldwin. 30 Days of Night had a really cool atmosphere and setting, I really think it's a cool concept for a vampire film, but there were some bad scenes and bad acting from Hartnett and others. Danny Huston as the head vamp was cool though. Anyways, just my 2 cents.

You sift through the detritus, you search the terrain, for the scent of your prey.


Hmmm, I don't really consider Dusk 'til Dawn a vampire movie. It's more of a crime movie with a vampire twist. At any rate, I think Blade 2 is one of the best vampire movies ever made.
