blue1981's Replies

It's nice to know there are still creative people in hollywood not crazies that only care about virtue signaling with diversity quotas. The movie was made in the 1960s. Anyone with a brain would understand it was a different time and not a big deal. Nope it didn't make any sense. Neither did the return of the Emperor. Midnight's Edge is awesome. Something needs to be done to take Star Wars back from the Feminists and SJW lunatics. They are fake fans and man haters. It's being released through Criterion but there is no release date yet. Probably towards the end of 2020. What I don't get is how the camera flash in the bathroom caused the explosion. You can find the full movie on Youtube. James Horner the composer of the score. The score for the Rocketeer is really great as well. I bought it on cd when it first came out. It really is a great soundtrack. There is a 2 disc expanded soundtrack I would love to purchase as well. It still makes me sad James Horner is no longer with us. RIP This movie has nothing to do with The Muppets or Sesame Street. I'm looking forward to it, the trailer was funny. I'm kind of worried though, news stories I have seen so far said that two of the daughters and Hector Elizando haven't signed on to return yet. I think it mentioned the original soundtrack will be intact. Its coming to bluray this summer through Scream Factory on August 14th. I hope the artist sues. I had a blast watching it tonight, there will probably be huge difference between audience and critic scores. I don’t care most of them are out of touch anyways. I would say the 8/10 score is accurate. No, I haven’t bought a single piece of merchandise or video release of Disney’s Star Wars. I got the digital code of Rogue one for free from my brother, that’s it.