MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > How much violence will there be in theat...

How much violence will there be in theaters?

In USA theaters, that is.

How many situations will there be of black people obstructing white people of entering the theater.. gangs... BLM bs activists... Public disturbance... Black dudes wearing Black Panther "political party" outfits...

And in the same way, how many cases will there be of KKK wannabes making their appearance and starting shit?


if white people pay money to see this movie, they deserve everything that's coming their way in the theater


I suppose there may be incidences of both. Both sides have idiots, but I'd bet the latter is more likely to happen than the former.


how come?


I'm getting Melanotan-II shots just in case!


That won't work fast enough. We need to show up in blackface instead.


I was worried about my safety when i saw Straight Outta of Compton, and had no problems. I guess it depends where you see it in your town. I thought the movie looked good, but I'll probably avoid now since making it a success now seems like an SJW cause.


The only time I’ve ever seen cops at a theater was opening weekend for Straight Outta Compton. I might wait a week for this one.
