Greedy studios should realise less is more. Leave audiences wanting more, pumping out a new Star Wars movie every year was bound to backfire sooner than later.

They should have just stuck with the new trilogy, putting one out every 2 years. The spin-off movies are totally unnecessary. I liked Rogue One, my appreciation of it grew after seeing the Last Jedi, but I will admit it wasn't necessary to be made, now with this Solo movie coming out in a couple of months, people are sick to death of Star Wars, especially since these new movies are so blatantly cash grabs.

I doubt even the biggest Star Wars fans care about how Han and Chewie met, or how Han got the Falcon or whatever useless answers the Solo movie will provide.

Disney should scrap any future spin-off movies until 2 years after the new trilogy finishes. They won't but it would be a smarter move than just milking it dry instantly.


Can't say I disagree with anything you posted...although the idea of a Han Solo film does not offend me...the execution is looking fucking awful.


Rogue one is the only Star Wars movie since Jedi worthy of the name but it's not like it's got much competition.

I wouldn't mind learning about Han's early adventures if somehow they could have a young (not CGI!) Harrison Ford but the idea of someone else playing him just makes me cringe.

My hope is that it's a bomb, that this wakes the critics out of their soma coma and they give it and IX a fair appraisal, and the ensuing cluster fuck of blame sharing gets KK, RJ and JJA the boot from anything even tangentially related to Star Wars.

There is a glim hope that when the dust settles and somebody gets the chance to tell a new Star Wars story unconnected to the current mess that it may well not be utter shite. Time will tell.


Disney did not say they are concerned. And 4 billion for Lucasfilm is more than Star Wars.


No obviously they did not admit dissatisfaction...but even by the most forgiving estimations inside the is underperforming to the tune of over $200 million. As far as the properties acquired...where did I say anything about that? If you are referring to the article...I just posted it...did not write it😉

The big headline is now outlets like Forbes and TWSJ are realizing there is blood in the water regarding the franchise and are no longer shilling like they were just weeks ago. Also sites that are fronts for Disney like WDWNT are reporting that that can not be dismissed any a deficit of over $750 million when compared to TFA...Disney is concerned.


its only gonna get worse as before studios were scheduling big films around Star Wars, after Jumanji hurt the TLJ, no studio will be afraid of SW anymore


Big time! Dead pool is going up against...episode nine I believe? Maybe solo but I don't think so...definitely Star Wars.


That's good. I personally loved Rouge One and really liked TFA, which had its flaws but was still a fun movie. I thought it set up TLJ perfectly and they completed destroyed the trilogy with an awful movie. Not only was i really dissapointed by the movie, but was turned off by Disney's attempt to call people not liking the movie internet trolls.

I also had no problem with Rey as a girl and watched the movie with my daughter since I enjoyed her character so much, but now I don't see how they save this trilogy. TLJ was actually an easy movie to make at least good and they blew it in every way imaginable.

I hope the complete fall off of TLJ sales and merchandise is a sign that Disney needs to do Star Wars right or sell to someone who will.


Completely agree!!!




Right on!


Too late. Once the Titanic hit the iceberg the only thing you can do is to slow down the sinking but sink it will.


Fire Kathleen Kennedy and the SJW story group that have put their agenda over good storytelling. Put someone in charge who cares and has a clear vision for the movies and doesn't hate the fans the way she does.


I completely agree people are just getting sick of Star Wars and I think Disney is more concerned with making their 4 Billion Dollars back rather than tell a good story.


The sequels have been terrible so far and it’s obvious there is a lot of turmoil behind the scenes considering they keep firing their directors and ordering reshoots. It says something that Daisey Ridley doesn’t want to come back to Star Wars after episode 9. The ship is sinking.
