

Wonder Woman managed to avoid being shitty in that regard and turned out to be an awesome and very $ucce$$ful movie.


I was skeptical about WW but after seeing it she kicked major ass, and her male counterpart was a hero as well despite not having super powers.


By what stretch was the Ghostbusters reboot pro-feminist or anti-male?




I admit I've only seen it once, but I don't recall any male-bashing... except for Melissa McCarthy's hobby of yelling at the Chinese food delivery place.


there were some male hating and objectification in the movie.


I watched it twice and don't remember it being anything other than a really funny, but not as good as the original, comedy. Nothing about it felt remotely feminist or anti-male to me.


watch it again and pay attention to the male secretary.


That's it?

Well it just goes to show; if a person looks hard enough for something to complain about, they'll always find something.


no, that's not "that's it". I saw the movie once, give me a break. But if you think the objectification of the male secretary isn't there [because it is. After all he is dumb as a brick but they want him to be there because he is "hot"] you should definetly open your eyes.


I see nothing wrong with objectifying Chris Hemsworth.

In fact, it's one of my hobbies!




Having a male character who is hot but bumbling is anti-male? Hasn't than been a staple of cinema for like, ever? Or does it only become anti-male if the leads are female? I really feel like your grasping here. Plenty of movies and TV shows are overtly feminist and/or little more than film versions of SJW checklists, but the new Ghostbusters was not remotely close to that.


"Having a male character who is hot but bumbling is anti-male?"

Now turn that around and instead of a male secretary who is being objectified, put a female there being objectified by 4 males.

The Feminazis would lose their shit.

If you think that's "grasping" you should get out of your place a bit more.


Are you really trying to make the case that movies never have attractive women playing ditzy, hot-but-stupid characters and being appreciated by male actors?

And again, there is nothing anti-male about the Hemsworth character. It was funny. He's a handsome guy. The women drooling over him was funny. It wasn't some attack on men or making some grand point that men are all dumb and only worth keeping around if they are hot.

Yes, there is a segment of society, male and female, that "lose their shit" at the slightest thing. You're among that segment, right along with the feminists you seem to so despise. You've identified something innocuous as outrageous in exactly the same way that they do.


"Are you really trying to make the case that movies never have attractive women playing ditzy, hot-but-stupid characters and being appreciated by male actors?"

Of course I'm not. But when it comes to this hilariously stupid Feminism that is going around, you can't have two measures.

"And again, there is nothing anti-male about the Hemsworth character. It was funny. He's a handsome guy. The women drooling over him was funny. It wasn't some attack on men or making some grand point that men are all dumb and only worth keeping around if their hot."

That's... like.... your opinion...?

"Yes, there is a segment of society, male and female, that "lose their shit" at the slightest thing. You're among that segment, right along with the feminists you seem to so despise. You've identified something innocuous as outrageous in exactly the same way that they do."

Wrong. And refrain yourself from pointing a finger to people you have no clue about. We are talking about a movie with a clear feminazi approach in it [and was called out for it in many a occasion and rightly put down for the stupidity of the attempt. Google is your friend, use it]

If you are feeling triggered, that's your problem. I don't care for your triggering. Neither do I care for your contrary opinion on what is obvious.


Errr.... that reboot did have some shades of pro-feminist and anti-male moments from what I've recalled though. Let's just say that almost no male character got portrayed so positively in that movie.

Granted, that might partially be done in response towards some of the harassing and actual sexist remarks received by some superficial detractors (in a vocal minority). But still....


Every guy in it was a fucking moron or complete asshole.


You know, people in 2008 voted for Obama actually thinking it would HELP race relations. LOL.

And other people thought that having Trump in office would soothe the agitated White Supremacists and get them to calm down for a few years.


Maybe they'd calm down if there wasn't a story every other day about some 3-time deported illegal from south of the border killing someone.


Maybe white people are just going nuts. I keep seeing stories about them killing their families, shooting up schools, molesting kids, supporting Trump, etc... And those are every day.


I guess you forgot about Orlando, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, DC Sniper, The Dallas sniper, The DC Navy Shipyard?

Take your filter off.


Oh, are those current news stories?

DC Sniper, one of your six examples, was 16 effing years ago. You're really stretching here.


Ok every weekend there's a mass killing in Chicago just more shooters doing the killing but I guess liberals don't count that.


Wonder Woman was such a breath of fresh air for female empowerment without resorting to anti-male propaganda. I spent the entire film waiting for when she was going to pull out her dyed hair and horn rimmed glasses to make a speech about how inferior men are but instead was greeted with a very pleasant enjoyable film about a woman strong enough on her own but with no animosity towards men at all. Infact a fondness for them. How often does that happen?

Then again, that was DC...


Of course, Diana had so little experience with men or with relationships between the human sexes that in 1919, she'd have no anger or agenda. Just curiosity.

After 100 years among humans, though...
