MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > I dont think Disney understand whats com...

I dont think Disney understand whats coming

Solo will probably bomb, Episode IX will probably make less than a billion and I hope to god Rian Johnsons new trilogy crashes and burns, so surprised he's still involved


Totally agree. Have you noticed how Johnson and Kennedy are doing nothing but ignoring the many disgruntled fans and patting themselves on their own backs for the "wonderful job" they believe they've done?


Johnson's trilogy could still be cancelled, Episode 9 is the only Star Wars movie that is officially going forward at the moment. But we know the SJW crowd only doubles down when the backlash begins to happen. Disney could step in to make changes very soon.


There will be no Johnson trilogy. After Ep. IX Disney is likely to rethink their strategy.


I wish I could agree , but the wheels are already in motion, im gob smacked that Lucas film green lit tlj , I can only think that the silence from Lucas is because he too is gob smacked that it was released.


Looks like I found the thread with all the smart fans! Agree with everyone's take so far...


Even if The Last Jedi still made a ton of money, it still made a lot less money than The Force Awakens. Even Disney is not that stupid to know that is a problem.


Yeah it's only a notch above Rogue One:

(Although, the disparity between Force Awakens and Last Jedi is smaller than the disparity between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back)


Rogue One is better than both TFA and TLJ COMBINED.


I didn't mind tfa because I understand why it needed to be made using a familiar formula to a new hope , plus it set up some questions I was looking forward too seeing get answered , but tlj was so fecking random and drab I couldn't give a shit about what happens, Rey becomes master Jedi , ren gets killed the end.

Agree with rogue one , fucking epic compared to tlj , Rian Johnson can kiss my ass , and the person who hired this indie director that's made 3 quirky average movies


I think he was hired because of his Breaking Bad episodes, mostly.

Notice how we also have at least two actors from Game of Thrones being put in Star Wars movies, and now the Game of Thrones writers being hired to write a series of movies.

Disney is mining the big TV craze of the last decade, but I guess it's because Star Wars are episodic movies so they're looking for people who do episodic stories.


I don’t understand people who defend TFA by saying it needed to retread the plot of A New Hope. Why? Most people are familiar with the previous films. If Disney wanted to introduce new fans to the setting, then that is the perfect time to try new things. Get new vollains, set up a new plot, show is some new planets, etc.


I think it stands at a 36% drop from ANH to empire...38% for TLJ from TFA...ill crunch them in a bit...I could be wrong but I just went through this a few weeks ago...doubt much has changed...


How many times will you guys watch Solo in theatre? Honest question...

I think most disgruntled fans will watch it at least once... That should get it close to Rogue One numbers, before even considering the quality of the movie...


Maybe once for a matinee price. I have a hard time giving Disney any money at all at this point. I saw TFA once in theaters, and will never watch it again. Saw Rogue one twice, than saw The Last Jedi for free. I haven't bought a single bluray from them either. but got the Rogue Digital code from my brother for free.


It would have to have incredible word of mouth for me to watch it


Warning signs are there. Record drop off after opening weekend and poor toy sales.
