blue1981's Replies

I've still never watched Seasons 5 and 6 the whole way through. There are a ton of bad episodes in those seasons and they are pretty boring. Vinegar Sydrome is releasing Rad on a 4k/Bluray combo pack this month. I hope my copy will be shipping in the next week. Quotas don't determine if a movie is good or not. On the Fathom Events website they said it will be rescheduled. Quite simply a guy's movie. A movie that is made to appeal to men and no one but men. Gives a middle finger to radical feminist lunatics that have a problem with a movie existing just because it wasn't made for them. They took Star Wars away from us for this very reason and that's why geek culture has such a big problem with radical feminism right now. It's enjoyable but also one of the biggest "Bait and Switch" movies of all time. It was sold as a guy movie and ended up being a quasi feminist story. I'll be nice in that it wasn't a piece of shit like the Star Wars Sequel trilogy. Since they hired a feminist writer to neuter Bond I fully expect it to be a piece of shit. Shout just announced on Facebook their blu-ray release is going out of print as their rights are expiring. If you don't own the blu-ray you better buy it now. Maybe there will be a 4k remaster eventually. Not even close. Star Wars is Episodes 1-6. Episodes 7-9 are nothing but shitty fan fiction. No that would be Nightmare on Elm street 2. People don't like blatant oppression of anything male centric in popular culture. F that fat pig. This post is downright depressing to read, but having just watched the movie recently I will make one contribution. The Alpha Betas trashing the Tri-Lambs house. That wasn't a prank its vandalism and they deserved to be in jail. They injected pointless female characters in the show back in season 3 because someone thought they had to be there. Guess what it was terrible and thankfully they were killed off by the end of the season. Well I mentioned her as she's white and playing a latin character. Dark Fate is garbage as its trying to rewrite history from the first two terminator movies. In regards to Aliens the only thing that might be criticized today is Janette Goldstein playing Vasquez. I'm planning on seeing it on the 13th. The liberals who hunt these people in the movie will see their demise in the end. Chapek looks like an Alpha compared to Iger so I hope it means he will take out the trash at Lucasfilm. Bob Iger is out as Disney CEO, and maybe his replacement will put a stop to this by firing Kathleen Kennedy and cleaning house at Lucasfilm. I remember renting the VHS and fast forwarding to the sex scenes. Whatever floats your boat. She's 62 now and doesn't look good at all.