No diversity

only old white hetero males as leads. this is 2019.
geez, gonna skip this one.


It's nice to know there are still creative people in hollywood not crazies that only care about virtue signaling with diversity quotas.


An Italian played an Amish guy!

Italians are practically black, so there you go!


Yep, he should have cast a black transgender lesbian to play Jimmy Hoffa. You gotta meet your diversity quota when representing history.


Yes, of course! Gotta have that fucking diversity! Gotta check all the fucking boxes!



Oh PUH-lease! Not the fucking card! I HATE the fucking race card. They used people to represent the real people in the story! Geeeez!!



Woman, african americans, trans, everybody is worry about those MTF, but what about midgets why nobody fights for our rights? we are people too but tiny.

When are we going to see the first biopic about George Washington with a midget actor as the lead?

Hollywood is time to amend all the wrong the hetero Tall patriarchy have imposse on the midget comunity trought centuries of opression

The world is waiting
