James Horner's score.

Anyone else here own the soundtrack to this film? I just loved James Horner's work on this film. He had a great year that year in 1995, also scoring for Apollo 13, for which he also received a nomination. I can't help but wonder if his double nomination played a role in James Horner not winning that year at the Oscars. He certainly deserved the win for Braveheart. Well, at least he won two years later for Titanic.


Yes I have the soundtrack. It is majestic.


Glad there is other appreciation out there for the score, it is truly a masterful work. RIP James Horner.


One of his top 3 in my most humble opinion. Wonderful, through and through. The other two are Titanic and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which some people seem to forget he did. If you've not heard it on its own, try it sometime. Fantastic.


This and Aliens are his best scores.


I think you have not heard Troy soundtrack yet.


The score for the Rocketeer is really great as well.


...is stunning. It was like another character in the film and perfectly complemented this passionate tale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH7vyTv8C20 I was surprised that he didn't win as not only did he compose a masterful score, he was overdue for a win and they had the perfect opportunity to honor him here. Music is all subjective and the winner Luis Bacalov gave us a nice whimsical score for Ill Postino, I just don't feel it is in the same league as Horner here. Even Gibson comments on the score on his dvd commentary and feels that Horner did a better job than his win 2 yrs later for Titanic.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


I listen to the soundtrack often. So moving


I bought it on cd when it first came out. It really is a great soundtrack. There is a 2 disc expanded soundtrack I would love to purchase as well. It still makes me sad James Horner is no longer with us. RIP


Horner has done some great work but this by far is his best.
