MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > So the posters are a complete ripoff of ...

So the posters are a complete ripoff of some album covers from 2015!

Seriously, look at the comparison image below the article. All four of the posters are a direct ripoff, right down to the colors!

It seems like the poster designs for Solo: A Star Wars Story are a complete rip off of a series of "Legacy Recordings" album covers. According to artist Hachim Bahous, The album covers were created in 2015 and as you can see in the side by side comparison image below, the similarities of the designs is uncanny.

As you might imagine, the artist seems a little irritated that Disney didn't ask for his permission or credit his work. He posted the following statement on social media:

Left the official posters of the next Star Wars (Disney), right the compiles for which I made the creation in 2015 for Sony Music France / Legacy Recordings France following the brief of the project leader Romain 'Rpiz' Pizon.

I am flattered that the quality of my work is recognized, but it is still pure and simple forgery, I have not been asked for my permission, I wish to be credited and paid for this work I have done for Sony!

Now that this has been pointed out, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney and Lucasfilm end up changing the stylistic direction of the marketing for the film. There's no way in hell that the similar design style was a coincidence on this. Just take a look for yourself! Someone on the Lucasfilm marketing team is going to be in some hot water.


I hope the artist sues.


As shitty as it is,I don't think there's any intellectual property rights for something like this.


Lol thats so lazy, which pretty much sums up Star Wars Disney so far!


Well to be fair, this would come down to the ad agency that does Disney marketing, which might still be OMD:


Every time I see it I think of Fight Club.$_32.JPG?set_id=89040003C1


You’re not supposed to talk about that.


Yup, that pretty blatant.


Blatant is definitely the word for it. It's been a while since I've seen something this shameless, especially regarding a big movie project.


I don't see any similarities?


Is that a question? =)


Sure, I'm questioning how anyone can see these similarities at all. I swear they use a slightly different font,so they obviously look completely original. ;)


And the pictures inside the letters are different!


Exactly! No comparison.


Wow, they really aren't even trying with this movie, are they?


Wow, I'm beginning to think Disney purposefully wants to sabotage this franchise in every way possible.


Had it just been Solo I think it could be argued that it's a mere case of similarities...but 4 posters, the colour scheme and the recent date of the originals makes this suspicious as heck.
