blue1981's Replies

Let me guess you think the all female ghostbusters was the best movie of 2016 and Kathleen Kennedy had a right to destroy Star Wars because it was created by a man. Equality doesn't give you the right to destroy the legacy of a film franchise because it was created by a man and its predominate fan base is the male population. We have a right to exist free from the skirts who hate us. Her legacy is from the original trilogy only. No he's not. Male feminists are assholes and the real abusers of women. I have a greater fear Civil War would happen if Biden is elected. The Deep State is real and so is their ties to globalism and working against the best interest of Americans. Her message is spot on and hopefully she wins. It's a good movie. Not really well remembered among Harrison Ford movies but he gave a great performance. There's a lot to critique here and a lot of pop culture that they can draw from for the series. Will they still be the same age? What about the music video segments? Will they be replaced with tv shows they'll watch and critique? One of the last true guy shows. I miss it. I could think of far worse finales. The finale broke the 4th wall and gave us many jokes of the writers laughing at themselves and of course making fun of Charlie Sheen and his very famous meltdown. Its a great movie and I have it on blu-ray. I wouldn't call yourself a Halloween fan if you didn't know that already. It was filled with more pop songs than actual music from a composed score. I think there are so many iconic moments from the score in the first movie and that feeling was lacking in the second one. Chick Flick: Crazy Stupid Love Dude Flick: Road House She'll burn in hell for what she did to Star Wars in an attempt to force her supremacy movement. It needed practical effects for the blood not CGI. I fear for my life under a Biden presidency and he would be a brain dead puppet to the far left wing of the Democratic party. He's the only chance to defeat the domestic terrorism playing out in the country right now.