blue1981's Replies

Leftists are the ones bring about domestic terrorism to the country. Trump has delegated the responses to the governors as each state has been affected differently. The economy was fine until Corona happened. I think its recognized for what it accomplished as a movie and what it inspired ever since. Yeah women have the power in dating and the weaponization of sex. I refuse to give in to any of that bullshit and will never grovel at their feet. The nudity was just a topless scene and it had nothing to do with sex. The violence was pretty much bloodless so no need for it to be rated R. I don't think so because Ghostbusters Afterlife seems like an apology for GB 2016. The major leftist run cities brought back the race riots not Trump. I'm 6'2" and around 257 pounds. I gained some weight due to health issues I had to work through but they are now behind me and my weight is going back down. My weight range goal is around 190-195 pounds but I think the BMI at my height is supposed to be around 175-185 pounds. That's a good comparison with Dick Tracy, the movie is heavily stylized but in a good way. I loved the awesome cast of villains. It needs to be rated R so gory fatalities can be included. I love Deuce Bigelow: European Gigalo and it was universally hated when it was released in 2005. It's a comedy and the scene is FUNNY. No I was a high school student and we were visiting a lab at a college campus. I have been to a few funerals and saw a few cadavers in a biology class. He may have a legitimate point about Maury, but Jerry Springer predominately featured white trash people on his show. I don't even think Jerry Springer is on tv anymore. He's smart enough to avoid them. I saw the SE Original Trilogy in 1997 so here is my ranking based on that. 1. A New Hope 2. Return of the Jedi 3. Empire Strikes Back 4. Revenge of the Sith 5. Attack of the Clones 6. Phantom Menace 7. Solo 8. Rogue One 9. Force Awakens 10. Rise of Skywalker 11. The Last Jedi It sucks but I'll live. I'd rather watch it in theaters instead of being forced to pay $20 to see it on streaming networks. It's time to just end the show, Family Guy too. I don't have to listen to it but its absolutely right.