blue1981's Replies

From Dusk Til Dawn and Three Kings are two of my favorite movies he ever did. Now I look at him as an out of touch liberal elitist. Well I voice my opinion with my wallet by not seeing the movie. Since this movie was made in the early 80s I'm guessing it was before the war on drugs. It appears the rumors are true. If it fails the makers are going to blame it on the sexism of men when they don't get we are the target audience of the franchise. It should be available on all digital platforms to purchase or rent. Yeah I don't quite get the complaints about her as she was front and center. Also watching it again its funny to see Holland Taylor much younger in the movie as she is now known for being Charlie and Alan's mom on Two and a Half Men. I'll expect a franchise reset when the movie bombs HARD. I blame him for the disease of identity politics that have plagued America since his presidency. Also the thought of Biden as president when he is clearly in the beginning stages of a mental decline that could possibly be dementia is scary to me. I looked at this show more as a satire on kids shows. I don't think so. When it came out it played for months after Christmas so it had staying power and could have been released at Christmas if Fox chose to release it there. Gremlins was released in the summer and it was a holiday movie I just bought the digital version off of Vudu and watched it this weekend for the first time in many years. The plot still plays as well as I remember watching it as a kid. The major improvements for me is watching it in widescreen and unedited. I only watched it off of a taped version on VHS as a kid. I think the only thing that makes nostalgic about Home Alone would be the Pre 9/11 air travel. I'll cry when he passes away. Women aren't incels because their power is derived from sex. I guess I might be watching my bluray copy this weekend. I think he would probably hate how political all the movies are they put out now. I'm more worried about the censoring of the original Revenge of the Nerds. The bluray is still widely available. It had a few funny parts but it wasn't a good movie and neither were the sequels. That's what I'm afraid of as I have lived in a fairly safe neighborhood most of my life. Now I'm thinking of what if scenarios if violence comes to my doorstep. They're starting to act more and more like this everyday. Just look at their hateful and racist rhetoric towards white males.